Board Meeting Minutes – Oct. 21, 2011
Board of Directors
Friday, October 21, 2011
Cove Ridge Center
Present: Joy Nihil, Margaret Crouch, Craig Seaver, Joe Fuller, Dale Taylor, Benny Reed, Bob McConnell, Sally Kelly, Charlie Allen, Jennifer Puckett, John Mullen, John Stafford, Joan Short
The meeting was called to order at 12:03.
President Nihil introduced visitor Jennifer Puckett, Director of Scott County Tourism.
The minutes of the Virtual BOD Meeting in September and the August BOD meeting were approved on a motion by Bob McConnell seconded by Benny Reed.
Treasurer Joe Fuller presented a full report for the period August 16 through October 15, 2011. The balance in checking is $14,979 and the expenses for the period were $678.22. The full report is in the minute book. Charlie Allen made a motion to accept the report, it was seconded by Dale Taylor and approved.
Old Business
Bob McConnell reported no new activity to report for book sales. The war club has been received and is on display in the interpretive center.
Craig Seaver reported that the Blacksmith Shop has its simulated chinking done for the storage area. The blacksmith portion will be done over the winter. Power has been run to the storage area and a door built for which WRSP is providing hinges. The forge is half completed and the project should be ready for Siege 2012. New signs for the Blockhouse area have arrived and will be installed in time for Harvest Celebration tomorrow.
Craig mentioned the good coverage in Scott County Star for Harvest Celebration. The Blockhouse Interpretive Center was visited recently from representatives of Netherland Inn. They hope to create something similar in their new bank barn. Craig asked the Association to present a letter or certificate of thanks to park employee Robert Reeves who has been responsible for much of the blacksmith shop construction.
Joan Short reported regarding improvements to the cooking area at the Blockhouse. Its design came from Pam Edy, during Siege 2011, and the work has been done by Bill Cawood. Craig also reported that next Wednesday evening, October 25 is the Virginia Association for Parks dinner at Cove Ridge at 6 PM. Members of the DBWTA were invited.
Joy Nihil reported regarding our web site. Margaret Crouch and Joan Short went through the site carefully and made a number of recommendations for improvement. Joy, Margaret and Sally met with representatives from Times News following the September Association meeting. Functions that were not working were to be fixed and a further meeting to occur when the site was functioning as it is supposed too. Joy’s opinion is that we will need a web manager. She has spoken with an interested party. She heard recently that the women who met with us in September have left Times News. A Mr Conklin spoke with Joy and assured her that we will be getting more support and that in his opinion we do not need a web manager. He also indicated that our monthly fee may be lowered. Visitor Jennifer Puckett from Scott County Tourism reported that they are going to do their own in-house web site. Joy reported some statistics about the web site and stated that she will continue to work on the issue.
New Business
VTC Marketing Leverage Grants: Margaret Crouch met with Kitty Barker to prepare a draft grant application to submit to VTC for matching funds. We would be applying with three partners – Natural Tunnel State Park, Scott County Tourism, and Scott County Chamber of Commerce. A representative for VTC gave feed back and asked for more narrative explaining our project, numbers of visitors to the sites where the new brochures will be distributed, and numbers regarding the reach of our advertising. The application asks for $3345. Each partner will contribute a small amount and DBWTA will contribute the balance, $2545. If the grant is not received now, we can reapply with a more comprehensive marketing plan in the next cycle in the Spring. Sally made a motion that the application be submitted and the Association spend up to $2545. The motion was seconded by Charlie Allen and approved. This matter will be taken to the full membership for a vote at the November meeting. In addition to reprinting the Driving Tour brochures and advertising, the grant money would pay to have brochures at the Bristol Tennessee Welcome Center.
Joan Short had no new information concerning the grant applied for to Roadside Theater.
Committee Reports
Charlie Allen reported regarding the Natural Bridge site in Lee County. He is able to meet Nov 9 at that site with DCR folks, John Tustin, and Bob McConnell to discuss what the Association would like to do there. Bob will also be meeting with Cheryl Jenkins and will ask about the availability of transportation enhancement monies for work at that site. A lot of clean up is called for.
Events: Joan announced that tomorrow is Harvest Celebration and that she hopes all will attend. We have some new volunteers – Anne Sturgill, Dorinda Hood, Jenny Care, who will be on hand. Set up for the event is right after this meeting.
Joy announced that Bob will chair the nominating committee with Margaret and Jean Brown
Dale will do the audit of financials for the March meeting
The meeting adjourned at1:25