Board Meeting Minutes – Dec. 16, 2011
Dec 16, 2011
DBWTA BOD meeting
Cove Ridge Center
Present: Bob McConnell, Dale Taylor, Craig Seaver, Joan Short, Joe Fuller, Margaret Crouch, John Mullen, Joy Nihil, Sally Kelly, Mary Erwin, Benny Reed, Lisa McConnell
The meeting was called to order at 12 noon by President Joy Nihil.
The minutes of the October Board meeting, as posted on the web site, were approved on a motion by Bob McConnell, seconded by John Mullen.
Treasurer Joe Fuller presented a full report for the period October 16 through November 30, 2011. It is contained in the minute book. He reported a balance in operational checking of $18,584.37, $3,719.45 of income, and $792.40 of expenses for the period. Expenses so far for the construction of the blacksmith shed are $4,891.95. The report was approved by the Board on a motion by Mary Erwin, seconded by Benny Reed.
Old Business
Craig Seaver, representing NTSP, reported that the blacksmith project is 95% complete. It still awaits hinges from WRSP.
Joy reported that she and Bob McConnell had a very productive meeting concerning the web site with David Cate of Kingsport Times News. The Association owns the domain and the content and the discussion centered on adjustments called for because of changes in technology and in our organization since the establishment of the web site. Cate will develop a road map for us to consider as we decide how to move forward. Joy also shared a sheet of statistics that show the site’s strengths and weaknesses. It is included in the minute book. Joy and Bob concur that we need a paid web manager. Bob also sees a need coming for paid management staff for our organization which will require an income stream in order to sustain ourselves for the long haul.
New Business
VTC grant: Margaret Crouch reported that our organization did receive half what we applied for from the Virginia Tourism Corporation for marketing. She provided a summary that illustrated the costs associated with our plan and suggestions for how to proceed with less money. It is included in the minute book. It was concluded that we will print twenty five thousand brochures, instead of 50 thousand, that we will spend less on Siege advertising, and that we will explore the cost of placing brochures at the two Tennessee welcome centers in the area. Bob mentioned a plan in progress with Virginia, Tennessee and North Carolina for tourism marketing that may result in getting brochures placed at the Tennessee welcome centers free of charge. Benny Reed will ask Jim Addington if he can store the brochures.
Joy presented a report detailing financial projections for 2012 The handout provided expenses and income for 2011 and projections for 2012 and is included in the minute book. Charlie Allen made a motion to present the financial projection report to the Association at the January meeting. It was seconded by Benny Reed and approved.
Joy also presented proposed Bylaw changes. Barbara Reed assisted Joy and the changes were laid out on one document and inserted in red into a copy of the Bylaws. Discussion by the Board brought some adjustments to the proposed changes. Bob McConnell made a motion to present the bylaw changes, as amended, to the membership at the January meeting. The motion was seconded by Benny Reed and approved. A copy of the proposed changes is included in the minute book.
Committee Reports
Natural Bridge: Charlie Allen reported that he has contacted VDOT. They will decide a site for a parking area, then further planning will occur after the first of the year. Charlie also gave everyone a gold dollar coin as a Christmas gift.
Joan Short of the Events Committee reported that Old Christmas, January 7, 2012, is being planned by her, Ron and Megan since folks are so busy at this time of year.. She will be sending emails of recipes and the time for the event is changed to from 4 PM to 6 PM instead of 5-7. Sally will change that on the web site. All are encouraged to attend in period attire.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:40 on a motion by Bob McConnell, seconded by Sally.
Respectfully submitted,
Sally Kelly