Board Meeting Minutes – Aug. 19, 2011


August 19, 2011

DBWTA  Board of Directors Meeting

Cove Ridge Center


Present – Joy Nihil, Dr Larry Fleenor, Barbara Reed, Benny Reed, Erwin Forrest, Mary Erwin, Joan Short, Ron Short, Craig Seaver, Bob McConnell, Joe Fuller, John Mullen, John Stafford, Sally Kelly

President Joy Nihil called the meeting to Order at 12:02

Secretary Report

The Secretary’s report of the June meeting, as posted on the DBWTA web site was approved on a motion by Mary Erwin, seconded by Joan Short.

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer Joe Fuller presented his report for the period July 16 – August 15, 2011.  The expenses for the period were $755.53, the income was $687.83, and the ending balance in checking was $14, 331.13.  The complete treasurer’s report is in the minute book.  Expenses were approved on a motion by John Mullen, seconded by Bob McConnell; and the Report was accepted on a motion by Ron Short, seconded by John Stafford.

Old Business

Bob McConnell reported regarding book sales.  The Association has sold or distributed 91 books, and the current inventory is 34 books.  Because of an inconsistency in the collection of sales tax when selling to individuals, it has been decided to discontinue collecting tax on individual sales. Bob visited the new Heartwood Artisan Center and got an application to sell books there.  He will see if that same application can cover sale of our CDs.  The Wise County Historical Society has also indicated an interest in selling books on consignment.  NTSP has placed an order for 12 more books and has agreed to a 40% discount rather than 50%.  Receipts for books sold were $1215.04, plus $183.64 in accounts receivable.

Craig reported regarding the Park and the Blacksmith shed.  The roof of the shed has been completed with help of the Youth Conservation Corp.  Craig hopes to pour concrete for the floor in the storage area soon.  He has on hand some chinking from Cumberland Gap National Historic Park and will consult with others regarding its use.

On October 25-26, the Park will be hosting the Virginia Association for Parks State Conference, Johnny Finch, its President, has done a lot to help us at the state level.  Craig would appreciate having Blockhouse interpreters present on the afternoon of the 26th and BOD and other Association members are invited to the dinner that evening.  The Cove Ridge Association is also invited.  On November 2, the Park will be hosting the Virginia State Parks Fall Managers Meeting.  There will be a Lighting of Tunnel that evening.  Association participation at the Blockhouse may be asked for on that occasion also.

Craig invited some discussion regarding the 19th century utility wagon currently stored in his barn.  Bob suggests that we find a craftsman to rework the box on the wagon.  Meanwhile it will be moved to the dog trot of the blacksmith shed when construction there makes that feasible.

Joy reported that Josh Wilson will attend the November Association meeting to give us an update.  One of his fund raisers is raffling a two week stay at a condo at Virginia Beach that was donated by a DAR member from Northern Virginia.  He is making great progress.

President Nihil reported regarding her efforts on behalf of our web site.  She has been exploring options.  She has read our contract with Kingsport Times News  and has met with a number of folks who manage their own web sites to  determine what kind of  manpower is needed.  About two hours per week is called for by most..  Joy met with David Cate of GoTriCities, our newly-assigned   support person Christine Wharton, and the online sales manager for a problem solving session.  Joy and Bob McConnell have decided that it is necessary to define our objectives for the site at this point.  Accordingly, Joan Short and Margaret Crouch will do that plus a page by page review and make recommendations.  They are to meet next Tuesday.  Joy and Sally Kelly will also let Joan and Margaret know any suggestions they have.  Others in the Association are also asked for input.  There will be a follow up meeting with GoTriCities on Sept 14.  Joy hopes to have one person from the Association manage the web site.  If that proves to be impossible, it may be necessary to pay a web manager.  It was mentioned that our Association owes a lot to Kingsport Times News for past support.  Joy’s conversations with other web site managers revealed that the Association is currently paying top dollar for web hosting.  She also found that there are services specified in our contract that we are not receiving.

New Business

Bob McConnell recalled that when the Association purchased items at the Quall Arts Center in Cherokee for our Interpretive Center , the goal was to represent the important areas of 18th Century Cherokee life.  At that time we were not able to purchase an item representing the prominence in Cherokee culture of war.  During this year’s Siege, Bob noted that participant Bear has a fine war club.  Conversation with him revealed that he makes authentic Cherokee war clubs.  Bob made a motion, seconded by Dr. Fleenor that the Association buy a club from Bear for $150 plus shipping.  The motion was approved.

Ron Short reported that his association with Road Side Theater, an arm of Appalshop, has netted the DBWTA an offer of an endowment from Road Side Theater of $5,300.  The money is to be used in any way that promotes our efforts at living history events to tell the untold stories of Native Americans, African Americans and women in frontier America . Bob McConnell made a motion that the Association accept the money, it was seconded by John Stafford and approved. The Board was also asked to endorse the concept that Roadside Theater will take to NEA a request for continuing operating funds to expand the story.  Bob McConnell so moved, the motion was seconded by John Mullen and approved.

President Nihil reported that Scott County Tourism will again grant us funds for advertising in the amount of $269.23


Events:  Joan Short reported that the committee will meet in early September.  It is working on our Harvest Celebration at the Blockhouse which will be Saturday, October  22 from 1-5.  The Committee is seeking commitments now for involvement in Siege 2012, such as hosting at the blockhouse and parking, etc   The Events Committee would like to have as many Association members participate in one way or another as possible.  Natural Bridge Site:  No report

Original Blockhouse Site – Joan has spoken to Dr .Joe Smiddy the property owner.  He  agreed to work with his neighbors to relocate fences to .provide turn around space.  Hopefully this will be a first step toward working with him to improve that site..  If we are able, the Association would want to improve the monument, put an interpretive panel, and a sign directing drivers

Reprinting the Daniel Boone Trail Driving Tour brochure – Sally Kelly investigated the costs for printing the brochure and distributing it.  Absolute Communications, a Kingsport business, gave a quote of $2,900 for 25,000 copies.  Stafford Graphics could distribute the brochure to their Tri Cities route for $2,295; and the price for that route plus one that extends into Kentucky would be $2,985.  Both those are annual rates.

Bob suggested that we may be able to acquire grants from VTC if we partner with another organization to get funds for this. Bob will find out the details.

Sally will ask Absolute for a quote for 50,000 brochures

Blockhouse:  Jean Brown reported 377 volunteers’ hour, during May through July,  997 visitors on weekends and just under $100 in donations.

New member Ann Sturgill is willing to host BH open days occasionally other than weekends.  She would also carry and put out “Blockhouse Open” signs

Craig reported that on September 17th and 18th   there will be an archery shoot out at the Gazebo.

Megan is hosting a table for the Park at Home Craft Days.   DBWTA may participate and use that table also.

Adjourn 2 PM

Respectfully submitted,

Sally Kelly
