Board Meeting Minutes – June 21, 2013
Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
June 21, 2013
The meeting of the Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Association Board of Directors was held at the Cove Ridge Center on February 15, 2013 at 12 pm. Present at the meeting were Robert Chapman, Gretchen Cope, Larry Fleenor, Erwin Forrest, Megan France, Joe Fuller, Bob McConnell, John Mullen, Ron Short, John Stafford, and Dale Taylor.
Approval of Minutes:
Dale Taylor pointed out that the minutes from the April 19, 2013 meeting reflected listed Larry Taylor instead of Larry Fleenor as being present.
Bob McConnell moved that the minutes from the April 19, 2013 meeting be approved with the correction noted. Larry Fleenor seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.
Park Report:
Robert Chapman reported that the park had spent about $75,000 on motor upgrades to the chairlift and would continue those upgrades through next year. Robert then announced that the park hosted an Outdoor Nation Youth Summit which was a gathering of 18 to 24 year olds who met and discussed ways to get others of their age group more interested in the outdoors. He also announced that the park was going to host Railroad Day on July 13 from 10am to 6pm. He further explained that Norfolk Southern had agreed to stop all traffic on the tracks between the hours of 10am and 6pm and that park visitors would be given the opportunity to walk through the tunnel.
Blockhouse Report:
Dale Taylor reported that attendance had been good so far this year and that there were still some vacancies for volunteers during the second half of the year
Treasurer’s Report:
Joe Fuller delivered the Treasurer’s report. A full copy of the report is filed in the Secretary’s archive.
Erwin Forrest moved that the financials be approved as reported. John Mullen seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.
NEA Grant for Workshops:
Ron proposed several different ideas for workshops to be partially funded by the NEA Grant. Some of those were a Natural Dying Workshop, a Colonial Cooking Workshop, a Cherokee Cooking Workshop, a Bark Basket Workshop, and a Blacksmithing Workshop. He explained that he was looking for hands-on workshops that would catch people’s interest and possibly get them involved with the Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Association.
Doug Hall Portrait for Cove Ridge:
Ron explained that Gary Carroll was interested in selling the portrait of the Native American that he had won in the fundraising auction for $775. A few members were willing to donate money to purchase the portrait which left $475 still needed for the purchase. Ron moved that the Association purchase the portrait with funds from the operation account and then solicit more contributions from Association members. John Mullen seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.
Blockhouse Needs for Children’s Groups:
Megan distributed a list of questions for the Association regarding educational and other miscellaneous supplies for the Blockhouse. The Board was at the consensus of looking into acquiring the following items to be used at the Blockhouse: a hoe head, a froe head, a maul, buckets to use with the yoke, split log benches, a shave horse and draw knife, a mortar and pestle, and drop spindles. After a brief discussion centered on clarifying the period correctness of the items under consideration, it was decided that every effort would be made to find as many of these educational items as possible for DBWTA volunteers as well park staff who conduct historical educational programs.
Bob stated that the Association needed to organize their storage. He suggested that the Association have a work day in which they take everything out of the storage room, paint the walls, and install shelving which would optimize the space available. Ron suggested that Lowell Fowler be contacted about the Association paying him for building custom shelving in the storage room. Megan agreed to contact Lowell regarding that matter. The Board decided to set a workday for the storage room at the next Association meeting.
Old Business:
There was no old business.
New Business:
Bob McConnell explained that he believed that another log cabin in the Blockhouse historic area would be ideal. He further explained that in addition to providing another historical structure the cabin could also provide storage for equipment and a location for registration for special events. Bob had spoken to Rex McCarty who knew of a cabin for sale for about $500 and he intended to go with someone who is knowledgeable on that type of structure to look at it and check on its condition.
Joe Fuller informed the Board that the Scott County Tourism Committee had honored Megan with naming her Customer Service of the Month. Robert Chapman added that at the end of the year a vote would be taken which would decide who would be name Customer Service of the Year.
Bob made the motion to adjourn. John seconded that motion and it was approved unanimously.