Board Meeting Minutes – Oct. 18, 2013

Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Association

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

October 18, 2013


The meeting of the Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Association Board of Directors was held at the Cove Ridge Center on October 18, 2013 at 12 pm.  Present at the meeting were Jim Addington, Robert Chapman, Gretchen Cope, Megan France, Joe Fuller, Bob McConnell, John Mullen, Joan Short, John Stafford, and Jim Stallard.


Additions to the Agenda:

Bob McConnell requested that “Blockhouse” and “Website” be added to the Agenda before “Carter Cabin”.


Approval of Minutes:

John Mullen moved that the minutes from the June 21, 2013 meeting be approved. Bob seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.


Treasurer’s Report:

Joe Fuller delivered the Treasurer’s report. A full copy of the report is filed in the Secretary’s archive.



Joan Short reported that in addition to working on the website that work had begun to boost activity on the Association’s Facebook page. She expressed excitement that advertisement through Facebook would have a positive impact and increase awareness of DBWTA and its programs.


Joan added that she thought it might be best if the Association terminated the relationship between themselves and Kingsport Times News and pursued other options. There was some concern that the Association did not own the domain or the artwork on the website. Joan stated that she would try to contact Kingsport Times News regarding these matters.


Bob agreed with Joan that it might be best to pursue other options and suggested that the Association look into not only a new and updated website but a new logo and an entirely new look and concept. He suggested looking into a VTC Marketing Leverage Grant to assist with the cost.


Jim Addington moved that the Association approach the Times News about ownership of the domain name and if necessary see if it can be purchased. John Stafford seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.


Park Report:

Robert Chapman reported that the park had put an ad in the Virginia Star for the Harvest Festival. He also announced that he was looking forward to the Association once again having re-enactors or interpreters at the Carter Cabin for the Christmas Lightings.




Blockhouse Report:

Bob McConnell reported that in order to keep the Blockhouse staffed during the summer months the Association would need more volunteers. There was some discussion about providing some sort of training opportunity for people who are interested in volunteering as either interpreters or re-enactors.


Harvest Festival:

Joan announced that the grant supplied the funds to bring Micah Swimmer back to do a Cherokee Language workshop and Lynette to do a slave narrative. She added that there would also be a Cherokee cooking workshop and several other activities.


Old Business:

There was no old business.


New Business:

There was no new business.



Joan informed those in attendance that Tahtahyeh Swimmer won the Little Miss Cherokee contest.



John Mullen made the motion to adjourn. Bob seconded that motion and it was approved unanimously.