Board Meeting Minutes – April 19, 2013
Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
April 19, 2013
The meeting of the Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Association Board of Directors was held at the Cove Ridge Center on February 15, 2013 at 12 pm. Present at the meeting were Jim Addington, Robert Chapman, Gretchen Cope, Joe Fuller, Erwin Forrest, Megan France, John Mullen, Joan Short, Ron Short, Dale Taylor, and Larry Fleenor.
Approval of Minutes:
John Mullen pointed out that the minutes from the March 15, 2013 meeting reflected that he was in attendance at that meeting when he in fact was not.
Ron Short moved that the minutes from the March 15, 2013 meeting be approved with the correction noted. John Mullen seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report:
Joe Fuller delivered the Treasurer’s report. A full copy of the report is filed in the Secretary’s archive.
Ron Short moved that the financials be approved as reported. Jim Addington seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.
Park Report
Megan France reported that the park was busy preparing for the Frontier Muster and Trade Faire and that everyone was gearing up for the busy main season.
Frontier Muster and Trade Faire
Ron reported that there were several differences between the 2013 program and previous programs. For example, the 2013 program was not able to rely so heavily on park staff due to restrictions on wage staff. He explained that this limitation would greatly impact the amount of people on hand to assist with the program. Ron also explained that there was an increase in restrictions on the use of black powder, which would limit their use of firearms. However, he also reported that the grant that was received enabled them to focus more on education by bringing in Micah Swimmer and his family as well as some African American re-enactors to provide a slave narrative.
Joan added that there would be several workshops and programs such as cooking, Cherokee dance, a slave narrative, and a church service.
Old Business:
There was no old business.
New Business:
There was no new business.
There were no announcements.
Jim Addington made the motion to adjourn. Ron Short seconded that motion and it was approved unanimously.