Board Meeting Minutes – Feb. 17, 2012

Friday, February 17, 2012

DBWTA BOD meeting

Cove Ridge Center


Present: Bob McConnell, Dr. Larry Fleenor, Joe Fuller, Craig Seaver, Erwin Forrest, Megan France, John Stafford, Sally Kelly


The meeting was called to order at 12:10 by Bob McConnell, acting for Joan Short.

Bob announced that Ron Short has had heart surgery.  An agenda was provided by Megan

The minutes of the December BOD meeting were approved as posted on the web site on a motion by Dr. Fleenor, seconded by John Stafford.

Joe Fuller, Treasurer, made a report of financial activity from January 1 – February 15.  The current balance in all accounts is $33,833.24.  Income for the period was $2,096.28, and expenses were $1,147.70.  The full report is in the minute book.  The report was approved on a motion by John Stafford, seconded by Dr. Fleenor.  The expenses were approved on a motion by Sally Kelly, seconded by John Stafford.


No Old Business


New Business

Driving Brochure:  Sally is working to get the document ready to bring to the printer.  Dr Fleenor and Bob McConnell have provided suggestions for changes to the text and pictures.  Bob suggested the addition of GPS coordinates for each stop.  Dr. Fleenor stated that the route is currently hard to follow because road names have changed in Lee County for 911.  Sally will get together with Mary Erwin and drive the route with a GPS and make note of difficulties with following the route.  John Stafford suggested that we check with VDOT to see if any other changes are expected.  Joe will contact a Mr Christian, VDOT liaison for Scott County, about this.  According to Bob we have extra signs, but it may be difficult to get VDOT to erect them.

Summer Wilderness Trail Institute

Megan announced that the current session doing very well with 12-15 students.  She has been asked by SueElla Boatwright if there could be a week long intense session in summer.  Megan and Joan have created such a session for  this summer, June 17 – 23.  It will be open to teachers from Roanoke west.  They plan to have up to 12 teachers for the initial course.  Tuition to MECC is $366 for participants.  She would like to ask DBWTA for $300 to fund continental breakfasts and a closing 18th century dinner for the participants.  Joe Fuller made such a motion, it was seconded by John Stafford and approved.

Secretarial support:  Bob reported that management at NTSP has been approached to ask if Gretchen Cope could provide secretarial services for the DBWTA. She would come off the NTSP clock and work for us for a stipend during our meetings.  A simple contract for this work would be drafted.  We would pay the same hourly rate offered by the NTSP (about $12 per hour). She will submit her time sheet to Joe at each BOD meeting for payment.  The little amount paid will not require tax withholding.  John Stafford so moved, the motion was seconded by Sally Kelly and approved.  Sally will train Ms Cope at the March DBWTA meeting and turn over secretarial archives.

Bob announced that the VTC westward migration route was  approved last year by the Virginia legislature as The Wilderness Road, Virginia’s Westward Migration Route. VTC has a grant to erect interpretive panels in each of county/city partners in the project, asses inventory and print a tour guide.  Some work is underway in Tennessee to get its portion of the Wilderness Road corridor a similar designation.  Getting National Historic Trail status for the route requires that each state so designate it first.  TDOT has not been very receptive

The Scott EDA received word that the project at Duffiel, Daniel Boone Wilderness Road Interprtive Center, is to be opened up for bids again shortly.

Craig announced that he is no longer manager at NTSP.  He is now Operations Manager for all Virginia state parks.  He thanked the DBWTA BOD members for the model partnership that was created here; and the BOD thanked Craig for his inestimable contributions over the years. Craig and his family will continue to live in Scott County



The meeting was adjourned at 12:55


Respectfully submitted,

Sally Kelly,
