Association Meeting Minutes – September 21, 2018
Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Association
Meeting Minutes
September 21, 2018
Present: Billy Heck, Richard Boehler, Jordan Gibbs, Nancy Childers, Joe Fuller, Larry Fleenor, Joy and John Mullen, Robert Chapman, Bob McConnell, Nancy Childers, Kim Thompson, Dale and Rubal Taylor, Jim Stallard, Jim Addington, Scott Bowen, Rachel Blevins, Gretchen Cope, Joan Short, Grace Bradshaw.
A meeting of the Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Association was called to order at 12 noon by president, Joan Short. She greeted visitors from Wilderness Trail and Martin Station.
Minutes: The minutes of the July 20, 2018 meeting were reviewed. Dale Taylor moved and Bob McConnell seconded that the minutes be approved as read. The motion was approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Gretchen presented the treasurer’s report and asked if there were any questions. Bob McConnell moved and Joy Mullen seconded that the treasurer’s report be approved as read. The motion carried.
Natural Tunnel State Park Report: Robert Chapman reported on the success of the Governor’s visit as well as the success of Railroad Day, where 3000 visitors enjoyed the park. He reported that the park has hired a new ranger, Roy Bishop, who is trained in HVAC, electrical work and other trades. He believer Roy will be a great asset to the park. Robert also reported that he is in the process of acquiring supplies for the new Interpretive Center which has a scheduled opening of November 15. Lastly, he reported that the cabins have been booked every weekend through the fall season. They are looking forward to increased participation in the Christmas season and the Lighting of the Tunnel.
Rachel Blevins reported that the park has served a number of school groups throughout the summer and into the fall. She is looking forward to the next big event, the Harvest Festival on October 27.
Report from Wilderness Road State Park: Scott Bowen reported on efforts to keep a cell phone tower from being erected in the sightline of Wilderness Road State Park. He encouraged the group to send letters asking for a new site to AT & T (Attn.: Dina Bazzill, 1375 Union Hill Industrial Court, Suite A, Alpharetta, GA 30004). Letters need to be received by October 12. Scott also reported that Winter House is 95% complete and they plan to have an opening of the new native camp on October 13, 11 AM. He says it is very impressive and that the construction involved gathering and using 22,000 cattails.
Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Interpretive Center: Bob McConnell reported that Color Ad has been at the Center all week installing exhibits and will finish their work very soon.
Harvest Festival: Joan handed out fliers for the Harvest Festival which will take place Saturday, October 27 from 1-5 p.m. There will be demonstration of flax to linen processing, natural dyes, 18th century games, frontier cooking, blacksmithing, tanning, spinning, and fire starting. Those wishing to help should arrive at 10 a.m. to set up. There will be a hayride at 5 p.m. Joan encouraged members to take extra fliers to display around their neighborhoods.
Meeting times: Joan discussed the possibility of changing the meeting time for DBWTA meetings, but the group wanted to keep the time in place through the winter. Evening meetings were a difficult proposition for those who do not like to drive at night.
New Business: The editing as complete for the to be shown as an introduction to the new Interpretive Center, so Joan showed us the finished movie. It will be an excellent way to orient the visitors to the trials of travelling over the Wilderness Trail. Joan also said she would discuss with Robert what kind of maximum they should set for the number of visitors in the Carter Cabin at one time.
Adjournment: There being no further business, Dale Taylor moved and Bob McConnell seconded that the meeting be adjourned. The motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Grace C. Bradshaw