Association Meeting Minutes – November 16, 2018
Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Association
Meeting Minutes
November 16, 2018
Members Present: Jim Addington, Rachel Blevins, Scott Bowen, Robert Chapman, Nancy Childers, Pam Cox, Margaret Crouch, Pam Eddie, Larry Fleenor, Joe Fuller, Glenn Gannaway, Sally Kelly, Eunice Laster, Mary Ruth Laster, Bob McConnell, John Mullen, Joy Mullen, Peggy Rauch, Randy Rauch, Ron Short, and Joan Short.
Call to order and recognition of visitors: Joan Short, President
The minutes from the September 21 meeting were distributed and read. Bob McConnell moved (Ron Short, second) that the minutes be approved as presented. Motion passed.
Joe Fuller presented the Treasurer’s Report on behalf of Gretchen Cope. Bob McConnell moved (Pam Cox, second) that the Treasurer’s Report be accepted as presented. Motion passed.
President’s Report: Joan Short thanked all participants for their hard work on the Harvest Festival at the end of October. It was also mentioned that the Blockhouse roof seems to be leaking around the chimney. Robert Chapman said he would have the maintenance crew check into it. Joan also stated that some basic reenacting clothing was needed to help dress NTSP staff when they were helping with special events at the Blockhouse. She will present a list of needs and approximate costs at the next board meeting.
Robert Chapman, Park Manager, went over the schedule for the upcoming Christmas lightings. The DBWTA will provide re-enactors at the Carter Cabin on Friday and Saturday nights through the Christmas season. He also announced that the Carter Cabin floor has been stabilized and the roof will be repaired in the spring. In addition, phone lines, etc. are being installed in the new Interpretive Center in Duffield. An opening has been planned for Monday, December 10, at 1:00 p.m. A larger “grand opening” will be planned for some time in the spring. The plan is for the Center to be opened on Friday-Monday, 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. until the new season begins in May.
Rachel Blevins, Head Ranger for Visitor Experience, emphasized that volunteer hours need to be recorded on the State Park site or sent to Dale Taylor to be recorded. She reminded everyone that hours spent outside the park on behalf of the Association as well as meeting attendance counted toward volunteer hours.
Scott Bowen, Manager of Wilderness Road State Park, reported that the grand opening of the new Native Camp had been attended for more than 100 people and thanked the Association once again for its donation for the completion of the camp. They have also purchased a buffalo pelt for $600. Their Pumpkins in the Park Program was attended by almost 700 people, and their Christmas at the Fort will be held on December 8 at 5 p.m.
Pam Eddy of Cumberland Gap National Park announced that they are looking forward to the 250th Anniversary of Boone’s Trail/Trace by having a commemoration walk through the Gap at night; this is the 200th anniversary of the Iron Furnace in the area and a program on how resource extraction has affected the area for the last 200 years is in the planning stages. Pam is also organizing a Goodwife Guild that will meet monthly throughout the year and feature different basic skills that women would have been expected to have in order to survive life on the frontier.
Bob McConnell, president of the DBWT Interpretive Center Foundation Board, talked about the library for the new center which will be used for reading and research. It is his hope that volunteers will be willing to staff the library. Donations to the library will be cleared through the Foundation Board and must cover the years between 1750 to the end of the Civil War. Several volunteers with library skills have already volunteered to help with the organization of the books and other documents.
New Business: Sally Kelly shared a coloring book that tells the Sycamore Shoals story and suggested that we consider something similar for the Blockhouse and the Wilderness Trail. She also shared information about a company that takes actual photographs and converts them to line drawings for the books.
Pam Cox moved (Joe Fuller, second) that the meeting be adjourned.
Minutes for this meeting were taken by Margaret Crouch on behalf of Grace Bradshaw and typed by Joan Short.