Association Meeting Minutes – November 17, 2017
Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Association Meeting November 17, 2017
A meeting of the Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Association was held at noon on November 17, 2017, at the Cove Ridge Center. Present were Kay and Jim Addington, Keith Wilson, Randy and Peggy Rauschenberg, Rachel Blevins, Joe Fuller, Larry Fleenor, Pam Cox, Nancy Childers, Gretchen Cope, John and Joy Mullen, Ron and Joan Short, Grace Bradshaw, and Scott Bowen.
Introduction of Visitors: Joan introduced new staff member Rachel Blevins. She welcomed visitors Keith Wilson, Peggy Rausch, and Kay Addington.
Minutes: The Minutes of the September DBWTA Meeting were reviewed. John Mullen moved and Randy Rausch seconded that the minutes be accepted as written. The motion was approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Gretchen. One offered a written Treasurer’s Report for the perusal of all members. She pointed out that a new breakdown of expenditures from the events account was approved at the last DBWTA Board Meeting. The new method will help track expenditures in each category. Joan pointed out that Gretchen is managing the website now, but despite attempts to change status, we are still paying for web site management. Keith Wilson said he would help rectify the problem. Pam moved and Joy seconded that the Treasurer’s Report be accepted as written. The motion carried.
Report from Partners on the Trail: Scott Bowen reported that they had a very busy October with 1200 attending their Heritage Festival and 2000 attending their Halloween event. They are planning their Christmas Fest and expect to have 40 trees decorated by community groups. On December 8 they will ha e 700 fourth and fifth graders who will tour the trees of Christmas Fest and the mansion, and enjoy storytelling. The event will be broadcast digitally on YouTube. Scott also reported that he and Joan attended a Friends of Boone Trace at Berea led by Dr. John Fox and that Joan gave an excellent presentation on what we are doing at the beginning of the Wilderness Trail.
Since Robert Chapman was interviewing candidates for chief ranger, Gretchen made a report on Natural Tunnel State Park. The park staff are in the process of setting up all the lights for Christmas season and the Lighting of the Tunnel events which begin the Friday after Thanksgiving and continue through Christmas, with the last week filled with theme nights, including Santa vs. Darth Vader. Second Grade classes at Duffield Elementary are making Christmas ornaments for the tree and will come to an open house and the lighting of the tunnel.
Program: Joan offered a description of the two days of filming for the new Interpretive Center and the stalwart re-enactors who braved rain and snow and the chilly waters of the Clinch during two long days of filming. The rain was so fierce on Saturday that the Harvest Festival had to be called off. Joan thanked Ron who started and kept six fires burning even in the rain. Dale Taylor and Joe Brown still managed to stir salt. Randy Rausch was at the forge. Joe welcomed people to the Blockhouse. The Smith Family, Gretchen and Abby Mae, Cory Gardner, and horseman Charlie Green and his horse Stormy all did their part. The two warriors of Anikituhwa did a great job. Bill Caywood drove the van and kept it warm for the wet and cold actors who finished their filming at Martin Station on Sunday. Joan also expressed appreciation to Scott Bowen for his support and that of the folks at Cumberland Gap. She praised Nancy Childers for providing lunch for the whole crew.
Carter Cabin: During Christmas season many volunteers are needed for the Carter Cabin. They can either be greeters who help keep the outdoor and indoor fires burning, or they can wear re-enactor garb and tell the story of the Carter Cabin whose walls were part of Carter’s Fort at Rye Cove. Volunteers serve from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the cabin. Dale Taylor is keeping the schedule.
Joan mentioned that she is trying to build a wardrobe for re-enactors; to that end the DBWTA Board authorized her to order three sets of men’s leggings that are period correct for the Daniel Boone era.
Old Business: Ron reminded the group that Music along the Wilderness Trail makes a great stocking stuffer and is on sale at the Visitor Center.
There being no new business, Pam moved to adjourn and the motion was approved.