Association Meeting Minutes – September 15, 2017
Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Association
Meeting Minutes
Friday, September 15, 2017
A meeting of the Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Association was held at the Cove Ridge Center at noon on Friday, September 15, 2017. Present were Robert Chapman, Nancy Childers, Jim Stallard, Larry Fleenor, Margaret Crouch, Wanda and Bob McConnell, Joan and Ron Short, Gretchen Cope, Joe Fuller, John and Joy Mullen, Jim Addington, Scott Bowen, and Grace Bradshaw.
Approval of Minutes: The minutes of the July 21, 2017 meeting were approved as read.
Treasurer’s Report: Gretchen shared the treasurer’s report for July and August. Joe Fuller moved and John Mullen seconded that the treasurer’s report be approved as presented. It was approved unanimously.
Report from Partners along the Trail: Scott Bowen reported that construction is proceeding on the Native American Village at Wilderness Road State Park. They anticipate completion in October of 2018. The third week of each month they are inviting volunteer labor to participate in the construction. He also reported on an Immersion Weekend the park held where 6 people paid $300 to dress in period clothing, eat period food, and camp out as though they were on the Wilderness Trail in the 18th century. Their Ghost Tours and Haunted Dinners are already sold out. Their Heritage Festival is October 14. They will have 45 vendors and entertainment. Pumpkins in the Park is an event scheduled for October 27-28 and they are expecting 3500-4000 participants.
Robert Chapmen reported on the activities of Natural Tunnel State Park as they are closing down the pool area and winterizing facilities. They are working on hiring new office staff for Cove Ridge and are seeking new hires for the chair lift. They have interviewed people to fill the post left vacant by Megan Krager and have recommended an applicant for approval in Richmond. Lighting of the Tunnel is scheduled for the weekends from November 24 and all week beginning on December 18. The evenings of the last week will be themed: Christmas Karaoke, Decorated Cookie, Craft Night, Ugly Sweater Night, and Santa vs. Darth Vader.
Joan will discuss with Robert some maintenance issues that need to be addressed at the Carter Cabin and the lighting that needs replacement along the route to the Cabin. Robert also reported that park staff will go to Florida to help reopen the state parks there that had much damage from Hurricane Irma.
Report on the new Interpretive Center: Bob McConnell reported that the construction of the Interpretive Center is on schedule. The filming for the displays at the center has been scheduled for October 26, 27, and 28. A storyboard for the filming will be organized at the next Events Meeting which will take place on September 26, 2017, at 6:30 p.m. at the Visitor Center of the Block House. Some of the filming will take place at the Harvest Festival on October 28. Preparation work will begin at 10 a.m. on the 28th and the Festival will be open from 1-5 p.m. For the filming sequences, a core group of 3-7 re-enactors is needed. Plenty of extras are needed, too. Costumes will be juried and should be period correct in all ways.
President’s Report: Volunteers are needed for the Harvest Festival on October 28, for the Block House, and for the Carter Cabin. Joan invited members to come along to the Block House and the Cabin to observe and learn what is entailed in being an interpreter at both places. She also offered the materials that she has assembled for being an interpreter to anyone who wants to volunteer. In addition, she invited anyone who is interested to join in the Events Meeting on September 16th at the Visitor Center of the Block House to help plan the Harvest Festival and the filming sequences for the Interpretive Center.
Program: Scott Bowen shared the Bizarre Foods episode featuring the Wilderness Road State Park. The cooks at Martin’s Station shared such delicacies as pickled ramps and buffalo tongue, elk tenderloin, and corn fritters. Scott said that 71 visitors have come to the park just because of seeing the Bizarre Foods episode on television. The national exposure to the Wilderness Trail has been great.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1:08 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Grace C. Bradshaw, Secretary