Association Meeting Minutes – May 20, 2016
Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Association
Annual Meeting Minutes
Friday, May 20, 2016
The meeting of the Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Association was held at the Cove Ridge Center on Friday, May 20 at 12 pm. Present at the meeting were Scott Bowen, Joe Brown, Robert Chapman, Gretchen Cope, Margaret Crouch, Larry Fleenor, Joe Fuller, Glenn Gannaway, Corey Gardner, Jonathan Lane, John Mullen, Joy Mullen, Joan Short, Ron Short, and Dale Taylor.
President of the Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Association Joan Boyd Short opened the meeting and welcomed everyone in attendance. Joan then introduced new member and editor of The Post, Glenn Gannaway to the Association. She also congratulated Gretchen Cope on her new position as Director of the Cove Ridge Center.
Approval of Minutes from March meeting:
Larry Fleenor moved that the minutes be approved as written. John Mullen seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.
Treasurer’s Summary Report:
Joe Fuller delivered the treasurer’s report. A copy of the report is kept on file in the secretary’s archives.
Margaret Crouch moved that the financials be approved. Dale Taylor seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.
Blockhouse Report:
Dale reported that there were still a lot of vacancies on the volunteer schedule for the Blockhouse and Carter Cabin and encouraged anyone who might want to volunteer to let him or Gretchen know.
Report from Natural Tunnel:
Robert Chapman reported that the park had been busy and that the pool would be opening the following day. All the summer staff had been hired and orientation was set for the following Tuesday. Natural Tunnel was selected as a concert venue for the Mountains of Music Homecoming Celebration. Lou Reid and Carolina and the Black Twig Pickers would be performing at the Amphitheater on June 16. Railroad Day was set for July 16 from 10-3.
Report from Wilderness Road State Park:
Scott Bowen reported that the 16th annual Raid at Martin’s Station went very well and their visitation numbers for the event were strong. He announced that the park had become a certified regional tourism center. The only one so far in Lee, Wise, or Scott Counties.
Report from NTSP Education Specialist:
Corey Gardner reported that there were several upcoming programs and that the interpreters had been very busy.
Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Interpretive Center:
Bob McConnell was unable to attend but he sent word that the design team met the day before and had approved the final design. Thompson Litton planned to have the architecture and engineering packaging ready to submit to VDOT for review by June 24. ARC had approved the redesign concept.
Frontier Muster and Trade Faire:
Joan reported that there were steady visitors all throughout Saturday but that Sunday was rained out and church was held in the Cove Ridge Center. Micah Swimmer brought with him a couple from Cherokee. They demonstrated hemp twining and storytelling/dancing. Joan explained that it was a wonderful event with wonderful weather.
America’s Frontier History Expedition:
Joan reported that the reenactors were wonderful and the experience was a pleasant one. The Duffield Primary School 2nd grade class came out to the park to see the group.
Old Business:
There was no old business.
New Business:
There was no new business.
There were no announcements.
Ron Short moved to adjourn the meeting. Corey Gardner seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.