Association Meeting Minutes – July 15, 2016
Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Association
Annual Meeting Minutes
Friday, July 15, 2016
The meeting of the Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Association was held at the Cove Ridge Center on Friday, July 15 at 12 pm. Present at the meeting were Jim Addington, Bill Cawood, Robert Chapman, Gretchen Cope, Margaret Crouch, Larry Fleenor, Grant Hardin, Megan Krager, Bob McConnell, Wanda McConnell, Joan Short, Ron Short, Dale Taylor, Edward Wemytewa, and Gary Williams.
President of the Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Association Joan Boyd Short opened the meeting and welcomed everyone in attendance. Joan then introduced guests Edward Wemytewa, long-time friend of hers and Ron’s, and Gary Williams, a friend of Dale Taylor’s.
Approval of Minutes from March meeting:
Bob McConnell moved that the minutes be approved as written. Ron Short seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.
Treasurer’s Summary Report:
In Joe Fuller’s absence, Gretchen Cope delivered the treasurer’s report. A copy of the report is kept on file in the secretary’s archives.
Dale Taylor moved that the financials be approved. Wanda McConnell seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.
Blockhouse Report:
No report.
Report from Natural Tunnel:
Robert Chapman reported that he hoped to have the Park Office Manager position filled by the first weekend in August. He also said that the four new cabins should be open by November and that construction on the yurts would hopefully start sometime in the fall.
Bill Cawood reported that during the Virginia Is for Students Tour, a week-long Cove Ridge Foundation sponsored trip for high school students, they had the opportunity to stop at the Frontier Culture Museum. He explained that it was a wonderful trip and described the activities and programs they had participated in.
Report from NTSP Education Specialist:
Megan Krager reported that she and the other interpretive staff had been very busy with groups and programming.
Report from Wilderness Road State Park:
Joan announced that a report from Wilderness Road State Park’s Manager, Scott Bowen, had been distributed along with the minutes.
Joan explained that Chris, an employee at Wilderness Road, had offered to build some two-piece camp tables for the Association. Joan stated that she had not yet heard back from him about the cost, but she would relay that information once she did.
Report from NTSP Education Specialist:
Megan Krager reported that she and the other interpretive staff had been very busy with groups and programming.
Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Interpretive Center:
Bob McConnell reported that VDOT had the engineering package and they were just waiting to hear back from them.
President’s Report:
Joan explained that the Association is in desperate need of volunteers to help with programming and events. There are still several vacancies for the Blockhouse and Carter Cabin dates and help is always needed for the larger events like the Harvest Festival.
She also explained that the Association needed to put together guidelines and specific information on the Blockhouse and Carter Cabin. A packet like this would be helpful to volunteers.
Old Business:
There was no old business.
New Business:
Ron Short reported that he had been pursuing grant opportunities to assist with the funding for existing DBWTA programs as well as community programs.
There was also a lot of discussion about the film for the new Interpretive Center.
There were no announcements.
Bob moved to adjourn the meeting. Ron seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.