Association Meeting Minutes – July 20, 2019
Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Association
Meeting Minutes
July 19, 2019
The meeting of the Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Association was held at the Cove Ridge Center on July 19, 2019 at 12 pm. Members present Nathan Beeler, Rachel Blevins, Benny Bloomer, Barbara Bloomer, Robert Chapman, Gretchen Cope, Margaret Crouch, Joe Fuller, Bob McConnell, John Mullen, Joy Mullen, Randy Rauch, Peggy Rauch, Joan Boyd Short, Ron Short, Kim Thompson, and Keith Wilson. Call to order and recognition of visitors: Joan Short, President
Approval of Minutes:
The minutes from the May meeting were distributed and read. Bob McConnell moved to approve the minutes from May 15, 2019 meeting. Joe Fuller seconded the motion. It was approved unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report:
Gretchen Cope delivered the Treasurer’s report. A full copy of that report is filed in the Secretary’s archive. Keith Wilson moved to approve the report. Keith Wilson seconded. Unanimously approved.
President’s Report:
Marquee Tent: Randy and Peggy checked with friend in Michigan and it was going to be more expensive so went back to original motion. Decided to go to Panther Primitive’s with original quote:
Reminder for Railroad Day Volunteers: Demonstrations at Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Interpretive Center. Gretchen will be cooking and Dale will be having a Salt pot demonstration.
Park Report:
Robert Chapman reported on Railroad Day which will be 10 to 3 on Saturday, July 20th. Working with the Railroad was difficult, and finally received confirmation from the railroad about an engine.
Camping and Cabin Revenue is up, pool is busy, park set to close on a piece of property about 100 acres, the Taylor property. Rachel and programs: have been up significantly. Caving and Junior Naturalist. Finished up first session of Nature Trek. 2nd Session coming up next week.
Nathan Beeler gave a park update from Wilderness Road State Park.
Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Interpretive Center
Bob McConnell and Joe Fuller were on a radio show.
The center hosted the Love Lady Chapter of the DAR. The Foundation has organized an exhibits and library committee to make decisions on what is accepted in the library.
Kim Thompson introduced Tom Fugate. He is a local person, writing about Boone Trail. He is planning on writing about and posting a video of his hike. The title will be, In the Footsteps of Boone, a modern walk in the footsteps of Boone. It would be a trekking book with history.
Old Business:
Purchases for Blockhouse
- Dishwashing basins (Westminster Forge) $72
- Spider Skillet ($135 Townsends)
- Four 10 x 10 canopies
- Candle making supplies- Brasier (140) and Candle dipping pot (Copper) $82
Motion: Bob McConnell for spending up to $2500 for all supplies needed at the blockhouse
2nd: Benny Bloomer
Unanimously approved
Bio solids on the Trail
- Bio solids near original Trail
- JBS has maps where you can see the location of bio solids near the trail.
- Attended information and town council meeting: Many people really don’t know about the wilderness trail. Mr. Yeary and the town of Pennington, policy of DEQ must be a 200-foot boundary between the adjoining property and after spreading the bio solids, it must be closed for a year. Next step is a public hearing where we people can express their concerns, where a draft of the permit will be discussed. Looking for legal notices that will be in the paper for at least two weeks.
Joe Fuller inquired about the repairs that need to be made at Blockhouse. Robert Chapman reported that once we get through the busy season and holidays, where we have a stretch of good weather, the park plans on getting the repairs done.
New Business:
There was no new business.
Bob McConnell motioned to adjourn. John Mullen seconded.