Modern celebrations of the Christmas holiday were late in making their way to those living in the Appalachian Mountains. Many ancient observances from “the old country” were still practiced in these mountains as late as World War I and probably later, in some pockets. For instance, have you and your friends gone out “serenading?” Contrary to what you might think, it has very little to do with caroling. Maybe you’ve stayed awake on Christmas Eve to hear and see, no, not sleigh bells and reindeer hooves, but, rather, sheep and horses bowing to pray. Many of the first settlers in the Appalachian Mountains were of Scots-Irish and English descent. So many of their customs were practiced, combined, and adapted to their new surroundings. Join period dressed historians, from the Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Association, as they take you back to the time of 1775. Sample fresh baked stack cakes, cookies, cider, and spend some time singing carols. This is an outdoor event so dress for the weather. This is a free event.