Board Meeting Minutes – May 19, 2017
Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes – Draft
May 19, 2017
A called meeting of the Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Association Board of Directors was held at the Cove Ridge Center on May 19, 2017, at 11:30 a.m. for the purpose of approving Gretchen Cope and Joan Short as the official signatory persons for the four Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Association accounts at Eastman Credit Union. Present at the meeting were Dr. Larry Fleenor, Dale Taylor, Joe Fuller, Jim Stallard, Ron Short, John Mullen, Charlie Allen, Joan Short, Grace Bradshaw, and Gretchen Cope.
A Quorum being declared, Joe Fuller proceeded to explain the problem encountered when he and Gretchen had met last week at Eastman Credit to change the names on the signature cards. He had taken the minutes of the meeting in which Gretchen Cope had been elected Treasurer, but the minutes did not reflect the Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Association Board’s request that she be authorized on the signature card. The board meeting was held to grant such authorization to her.
Joe also explained that he and Bob McConnell were the ones currently authorized on the signature cards and that he would like to have his name removed and that he thought Bob wanted his name removed as well since he is dealing with sickness in the family. Having explained the background for the banking issues, Joe put forward the following motion:
Joe moved that his name and Bob McConnell’s name be removed from the signature card and that Joan Short as President of the Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Association and Gretchen Cope as Treasurer of the Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Association be authorized to sign checks on the Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Association accounts; that a single signature per transaction will be sufficient; and that Gretchen Cope’s name be put on the credit card for the Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Association. John Mullen seconded the motion. The motion was amended to clarify that the signature cards for Joan and Gretchen would be good for all four Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Association Accounts: The Share Account, the Operations Account, the Grants Account, and the Contingency Account. The amended motion passed unanimously.
The business of the board having been concluded, the Board adjourned at 11:55 to meet with the full body of the Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Association.
Respectfully submitted,
Grace C. Bradshaw, Secretary