Board Meeting Minutes – Aug. 20, 2010
August 20, 2010
Meeting of the Board of Directors of the DBWTA
Present: Bob McConnell, Joe Fuller, Dr Larry Fleenor, Joan Short, Joy Nihil, Sally Kelly, John Mullen, Benny Reed
The meeting was called to order by President Nihil at 12:10. There were no additions to the agenda. Bob McConnell made a motion that the minutes, as posted on the web site, be approved, the motion was seconded by Benny Reed and approved.
Treasurer Joe Fuller gave a full treasurer’s report. The expenses for the period were $260.80, the ending balance in checking was $9,448.80, and the ending balance in all accounts and cash on hand was $32,241.00. The complete treasurer’s report is in the minute book. A motion was made by Joan Short to accept the treasurer’s report as read, seconded by Dr. Fleenor and approved. John Mullen made a motion to accept the expenses report, it was seconded by Benny Reed and approved.
Old Business
President Nihil reported that the Association has received the money connected with turning over the operation of the Interpretive Center shop to the Park. The Center is open Friday through Sunday from 10 AM until 6 PM and will continue to be so through the rest of our season. Jean Brown is working to have an interpreter in the Center whenever there is one in the Blockhouse.
The dues restructuring suggested by the BOD was approved at the DBWTA July meeting. The new levels of membership will be posted on the web site.
Joy met recently, along with volunteer Dr Joe Brown, with web site manager Jared Bentley. They learned that we are able to post the meeting minutes directly to the site. Joy and Sally Kelly will continue to work with Jared to get the site into its most effective state.
A summary of the Committee reports was distributed and discussed. The Infrastructure Committee reminded of the need for funding for additional interpretive panels. The Board instructed that a grant application be submitted to the Tobacco Commission during the next appropriate grant cycle. Only the Events Committee required an action by the Board. It needs funds to finance a raffle for the Doug Hall donated print (up to $300). Tickets are to be sold at various events and venues during the coming months and the drawing for the winner will occur during the 2011 Siege at the Blockhouse. To advertise, promote and supply Harvest Celebration the Committee needs up to $500. Bob McConnell made a motion to that effect, it was seconded by John Mullen and approved. The summary of the Committee reports is posted on the web site.
New Business
A Hobbs family at Stickleyville has an old cabin that it has offered to donate to the Association. President Nihil visited the cabin with Rex McCarty and reported their findings. After considerable discussion, it was decided that the date of the cabin (1880s) is a different era than the Blockhouse site. At some future date, the Association my develop an interpretive area for the Fincastle Turnpike era of our history. The cabin would be appropriate for that. The Hobbs family will be thanked and encouraged to pursue other opportunities for the cabin if they desire. However if the cabin is still available when and if the Fincastle area comes to pass, the donation to the Association is still a possibility. Such a project may meet the requirements for a Preserve America grant. There is already a Bill before the Virginia Legislature to make the Fincastle Turnpike a Scenic Byway. President Nihil will relate to the Hobbs family the interest for a future project by the Association .
President Nihil reported on her efforts to determine the status of the Geocaching project commenced by the Association some time ago. There is still interest by Dennis Mott, geocacher, in working on such an effort. After some discussion, it was decided that the success of such an effort requires an interested person from the Association to spearhead it and keep it on track. The membership will be asked at the next meeting if there is such an interested individual who would like to volunteer. If there is not, the project will be dropped.
President Nihil reported on the Finance Committee’s suggested new purchasing plan Discussion suggested that a change in purchasing procedures is not needed at this time.
A motion was made by Bob McConnell that the Board ask the Media Committee to focus, at this time of limited funding, on revising and reprinting our current promotional materials, including the driving brochure and the driving guide; and to produce an informational brochure about the Blockhouse. The motion was seconded by Sally Kelly and approved.
Joan Short provided a draft of a new Membership brochure. That committee will meet on Wednesday, August 25 at 1:30.
President Nihil adjourned the meeting at 1:45 PM
Respectfully submitted, Sally Kelly, Secretary