Association Meeting Minutes – Sept. 20, 2013
Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Association
Meeting Minutes
Friday, September 20, 2013
The meeting of the Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Association was held at the Cove Ridge Center on Friday, September 20, 2013 at 12 pm. Present at the meeting were Jim Addington, Charlie Allen, Joe Brown, Robert Chapman, Pam Cox, Margaret Crouch, Gretchen Cope, Megan France, Joe Fuller, Charlie Green, Bob McConnell, Wanda McConnell, John Mullen, Joy Mullen, Ish Richardson, Joan Short, Ron Short, and special guest Eddie Woodward.
Charlie Allen introduced Eddie Woodward from Jonesville, VA.
Approval of Minutes from March meeting:
Ron Short moved that the minutes be approved as written. Charlie Allen seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.
Treasurer’s Summary Report:
Joe Fuller delivered the Treasurer’s Report. A full copy of the report is filed in the Secretary’s archive. Jim Addington moved to approve the treasurer’s report as reported. Wanda McConnell seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.
Blockhouse Report:
Dale Taylor reported that there were still some slots available for the second half of the year and that attendance so far had not been bad.
Report from Natural Tunnel:
Robert Chapman reported that the Papa Joe Festival was enjoyable as well as successful. He added that the park was gearing down for the off season but also busy preparing for the Christmas Lightings. He also reported that the Scott County Tourism Committee was planning a celebration in honor of the 200th Anniversary of Scott County. They were hoping to kick off the event with one of the DBWTA events to keep with their “In with the old and out with the new” theme.
Ishmael Richardson reported that despite the wet summer park attendance was still good and that revenue was up in many areas of the park.
Megan France reported that she would soon be attending the Black Powder Site Safety Training. She also informed everyone that the Volunteer Banquet was schedule for September 24 and that everyone was welcome to attend.
Reports from other Parks:
Robert announced that Scott Bowen would be replacing Jon Tustin as the Wilderness Road State Park Manager. Charlie Allen informed everyone that he was not sure at that time who would be replacing Mark Woods as the Superintendant of Cumberland Gap National Park.
Blockhouse Report:
Joan thanked everyone who volunteered to work at the Blockhouse over the summer and asked all members to try to help out at either the Blockhouse or the Carter Cabin.
Scott County Tourism:
Pam Cox reported that she had recently hosted a Meet and Greet for Tourism professionals in Scott County. She believed that the event went over well and hoped that those in attendance found it helpful. She added that there was some discussion about when Scott County was officially founded and therefore when the 200th Anniversary of should be celebrated.
Events Committee:
Ron Short reported that the Frontier Harvest Festival was scheduled for October 26 from 12-5pm. He explained that the event highlighted the importance of the fall season. Ron informed those in attendance that there would once again be African American and Native American presences as well as several workshops and demonstrations.
Ron informed everyone that due to the third Sunday in April, 2014 being Easter Sunday that the date for the Frontier Muster and Trade Fair was rescheduled for the fourth Sunday in April which is the 26th.
Kane Gap Trail Committee:
Ron reported that since the weather had cooled down and the threat of copperheads was not so great he was planning to hike the trail more often. He also mentioned trying to plan a day to do some maintenance to the trail.
Old Business:
Interpretive Center in Duffield
Bob McConnell reported that the National Guard had agreed to do the all of the earthwork, but that they first needed to see a site development plan. He informed those in attendance that price negotiations were being made with Thompson & Litton and by next year they may be able to break ground at the site.
Natural Bridge
Charlie Allen reported that John Hartley was working on the cleanup of the Cedar Natural Area and that improvements were being made.
New Business:
Joan announced that the Park and the Board had decided that the Blockhouse site would only be used for historical events. She explained that a few requests to use the area for weddings and other events had been made and that they had decided that it would not be in the Park’s or the Association’s best interest to allow such events to take place at the Blockhouse site.
There were no announcements.
Bob moved to adjourn. Wanda seconded the motion and it was approved unanimou