Association Meeting Minutes – Nov. 15, 2013

Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Association

Meeting Minutes

Friday, November 15, 2013


The meeting of the Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Association was held at the Cove Ridge Center on Friday, November 15, 2013 at 12 pm.  Present at the meeting were Jim Addington, Scott Bowen, Joe Brown, Robert Chapman, Gretchen Cope, Pam Cox, Margaret Crouch, Gretchen Cope, Larry Fleenor, Erwin Forrest, Megan France, Randell Jones, Bob McConnell, John Mullen, Joy Mullen, Chris Phillips, Joan Short, Ron Short, John Stafford and Jim Stallard.


Joan Short introduced Chris Phillips from Cumberland Gap National Park and Scott Bowen from Wilderness Road State Park.


Approval of Minutes from September meeting:

John Mullen moved that the minutes be approved as written.  Bob McConnell seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.


Treasurer’s Summary Report:

Joan delivered the Treasurer’s Report in Joe Fuller’s absence.  A full copy of the report is filed in the Secretary’s archive.


NEA Grant Report:

Ron Short reported that the grant money that was received enabled the Association to provide educational programs to the public. He added that all of the programs that were provided were very well received. He then announced that another $6,000 would be received shortly and that since the grant had already been satisfied it could be spend however the Association deemed appropriate.


Report from Natural Tunnel:

Robert Chapman reported that the park was busy preparing for the Christmas Lighting programs which would take place the Friday and Saturday following Thanksgiving as well as every Friday and Saturday in December. He also announced that the park had hosted a few managed hunts and had been able to harvest 12 deer thus far.


Joan added that the Association would again be staffing the Carter Cabin during the Christmas Lightings and that Gretchen had a sign-up sheet on hand if anyone would like to volunteer. She reminded those in attendance that volunteers are not required to dress in period clothing.


Reports from other Parks:

Wilderness Road State Park

Scott Bowen reported that Wilderness Road would host Frontier Christmas on December 7 from 5-7pm and also Christmas at Karlan on December 14 from 4-7pm.




Cumberland Gap National Park

Chris Philips reported that Mark Woods, the previous Superintendant of Cumberland Gap National Park, had been promoted to Superintendant of the Blue Ridge Parkway. He added that hopefully a Superintendant would be selected for Cumberland Gap by January.


Daniel Bonne Wilderness Trail Interpretive Center:

Bob McConnell reported that he was very optimistic about the interpretive center and the possibility that construction on the center could begin as early as mid-2014. He informed the Association that Thompson and Litton had been selected for the project and that the VA Army National Guard had agreed to do all of the site preparation at no charge.


Scott County Tourism:

Pam Cox reported that the bicentennial of Scott County would be celebrated during the year 2014. She informed everyone that the Tourism Committee would need all the help they could get, and that if anyone was interested in helping out, they would be more than welcome.


Events Committee:

Upcoming events were announced and are as follows:


  • Frontier Harvest Festival: October 26, 12-5pm
  • Old Christmas: January 4, 2014, 5-7pm
  • Frontier Muster and Trade Fair: April 26, 2014, 10am-9pm and April 27, 11am-3pmProgram: Randell Jones. Although he lives several hours away, we were very fortunate that Randell was in our area and able to attend the meeting. We were especially grateful that he took the time to discuss his latest writing projects with us.Old Business:
  • New Business
  • There was no old business

Joan announced that the website was still a work in progress, but that there is a Facebook page presently up and running.



There were no announcements.



Bob moved to adjourn.  John Mullen seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.