Association Meeting Minutes – Sept. 16, 2011
September 16, 2011
Cove Ridge Center
Present: Dr Fleenor, Bob McConnell, Wanda McConnell, Margaret Wheeler, Chet Wheeler, Jean Brown, Margaret Crouch, Sally Kelly, Joy Nihil, Joe Fuller, John Mullen, Joy Mullen, Benny Reed, Barbara Reed, Mary Erwin, Erwin Forrest, Craig Seaver, Joan Short, Ron Short, Taylor Thorpe, Director Cove Ridge Center, and Christine Wharton and Suzanne Watson from Kingsport Times News
The meeting was called to Order at 12:10 by President Joy Nihil. She introduced visitors Taylor Thorpe, Chet and Margaret Wheeler and Christine Wharton, Marketing Consultant and Suzanne Watson, Online Sales Manager from Kingsport Times News. President Nihil asked for additions or corrections to the minutes of the July Association meeting as posted on the web site. Bob McConnell made a motion to accept the minutes as posted, it was seconded by Joan Short and approved
Treasurer Joe Fuller gave a summary report. It is in the minute book. A full report will be given at the October DBWTA Board of Director’s meeting.
Board of Directors Report: Joy Nihil reported actions from the August BOD meeting. The Board approved the purchase of a reproduction Cherokee war club for display at the Interpretive Center. It also approved the acceptance of a grant from Roadside Theater that will provide funds that may be used to assist the telling of the new Siege scenario developed by Ron Short. Approval was also given to apply for a grant for continuing funds for that purpose from the NEA.
New Business
Taylor Thorpe spoke about a special event coming to NTSP. The Virginia Sesquicentennial of the American Civil War Commission will bring the Civil War 150 History Mobile for its first visit in Virginia to the Park on October 1-4, 2011. This truck, a museum on wheels, is a state of the art exhibit. Parking will be free for this program and the hours are Saturday, 4-8, Sunday 11-7, Monday 9-5, and Tuesday 9-5. Monday and Tuesday are for school visits. Brian McKnight from UVA Wise will introduce the program on Saturday. Volunteers are needed. The Park would like to offer Monday’s school groups other programs to visit, including the Blockhouse, and would also like to have the Blockhouse open during the Museum Bus’s Saturday and Sunday hours with interpreters present. A sign up sheet was circulated.
Jean Brown spoke regarding her ancestor Ephraim Fraley from the Civil War period. She stated that Fraley lived in a cabin at Duffield that was once owned by Daniel Boone. He served in the Confederate Army, was imprisoned for a while in New York, and, when released, walked all the way back to his home.
NTSP: Craig Seaver reported that the Annual Volunteer Dinner is to be September 27 at 6:15 PM. Over 9000 volunteer hours were recorded this year. Invitees are asked to respond to Megan. The VAFP annual meeting will be at NTSP at 6 PM October 26 . This organization lobbies for parks in Richmond and they helped NTSP get cabins and a new campground. Ron Short will be part of the entertainment. Members of the DBWTA are invited to attend. The Fall state park managers meeting will be the following week. This meeting winds up the 75th anniversary celebration. Ron will again entertain. His dad helped build Hungry Mother Park when he was in the CCC.
Craig also made a presentation to Bob and Wanda of a framed map in honor of our map in the floor of the Blockhouse Interpretive Center.
He reported that the concrete floor of the storage shed has been poured at the Blacksmith shop. The Park is making good progress with that construction. There is also
new signage at the Blockhouse featuring the story of the Anderson family and a site map of the area. Joy mentioned that Josh Wilson will be at the November Association meeting to give an update regarding fund raising for the Blacksmith shed.
Barbara Reed announced that next week is Constitution Week.
Bob reported on book sales. Only 23 of the original 125 ordered copies remain unsold.
Joy reported concerning our Web site: There will be a follow up work session with our Times News visitors after this meeting today. Margaret and Joan did a study of the web site’s needs and identified goals for it.
Original Blockhouse Site: Joan reported that she has been in touch with the owner. He is willing to work with us to approach the issue of turning and parking at that site. He will talk with neighbors regarding providing a turning space. Bob sent him a copy of the Blockhouse on the Holston book.
Sally reported regarding reprinting the driving tour brochure. Absolute Communications gave us a quote of $2900 to reprint 25 thousand and $3850 for 50 thousand. Stafford Graphics can distribute the brochures for a cost of $2295 annually for one route and $2985 for two routes. Ms Watson and Ms Wharton from Times News stated that they would get a reprinting quote from Times News for us too.
Jean Brown will do a Volunteer report in January.
Joan Short reported for the Events Committee that Harvest Celebration will be Oct 22, 1-5 for the public. Presenters will arrive at 10. On Thursday, October 20 volunteers are asked to meet at 4 PM to help with flies and tents. The Committee will have Old Christmas after Christmas season on Jan 7, 5-7 PM with a bonfire, refreshments and the firing of guns. Siege 2012 is in the planning stages. The Park will take care of food sales for 2012. Pam Eddy will participate again. The DBWTA membership is asked to please keep in mind that corporate sponsorships are welcomed. Home Craft Days is on Oct 15-16 and the Park will have a table. The Association is invited to also be present at an adjoining table and volunteers will be needed.
Joan announced that the Southwest Virginia Museum features a Ron Short interactive exhibit on the third floor.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:25 on a motion by Benny Reed, seconded by John Mullen.
Respectfully submitted
Sally Kelly