Association Meeting Minutes – January 15, 2016

Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Association

Meeting Minutes

Friday, January 15, 2016



The meeting of the Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Association was held at the Cove Ridge Center on Friday, January 15 at 12 pm.  Present at the meeting were Jim Addington, Scott Bowen, Robert Chapman, Gretchen Cope, Larry Fleenor, Joe Fuller, Corey Gardner, Jean Hood, Megan Krager, Jonathan Lane, Joan Short, and Ron Short.


Approval of Minutes from November meeting:

Ron Short moved that the minutes be approved as written. Jean Hood seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.


Treasurer’s Summary Report:

Joe Fuller delivered the Treasurer’s Report.  A full copy of the report is filed in the Secretary’s archive.

Larry Fleenor moved that the financial report be approved. Jean seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.


Blockhouse Report:

Megan reported that there was an increase of almost 400 in Blockhouse attendance for 2015.


Reports from Partners along the Trail:

Sycamore Shoals:

In the absence of a representative from Sycamore Shoals State Park, Joan reported that Chad regretted that he could not make it to Old Christmas. He and quite a few militia members were in New Orleans at that time. Sycamore Shoals’ Old Christmas program was very successful.


Southwest Virginia Museum:

Aaron Davis was not able to attend but Joan reported that he was now officially the Park Manager of the Southwest Virginia Museum.


Wilderness Road:

Scott Bowen reported that the park was a little slow right now but they had several upcoming programs. The 2016 dinner theater was the same show as the previous year and they were hoping to have the same turnout. Scott also announced that Andrew Peal had been hired as their new Chief Ranger. Raffle tickets sales were going well and they were hoping to raise about $10,000 to be used toward the construction of their Indian Encampment.


Report from Natural Tunnel:

Robert Chapman reported that the Christmas Lighting of the Tunnel Programs were tremendously successful generating about $30,000 in just 10 days. Lighting was improved on the trail to the Carter Cabin as well as inside the cabin. A campfire ring was also added outside the cabin. Robert explained that they were planning to put lighting on the trail going down to the Lighting. Robert also announced that Joshua Grasty had been hired as the new Chief Ranger.


Report from NTSP Education Specialist:

Megan Krager announced that Corey Gardner had been hired as a park interpreter.She also announced that the park would be hosting a Bioblitz program in the spring that she hoped would give a better idea of what types of life, from animals to fungus, can be found at the park.


Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Interpretive Center:

The Interpretive Center Foundation is scheduled to meet on Saturday, January 30. Several changes had been made to the design in efforts to reduce the cost.

Larry Fleenor announced that Jack Kennedy from Wise County was interested in providing some money to be used for the Interpretive Center


President’s Report:

Carter Cabin

Joan thanked all the volunteers that helped keep the Carter Cabin open during the Christmas Lighting of the Tunnel programs. She also thanked Robert C. for the additional lighting at the Cabin.


Old Christmas Celebration

Joan went on to thank everyone who helped with the Old Christmas program. Several people came out to reenact and even more helped to provide cider and snacks for the event.


Storage Room and File Cabinet

The storage room needs to be reaaranged and room made for the filing cabinet.The file cabinet needs to be sorted as well.


American Frontier History Expedition:

Mark Sage and Sam Compton officially announced the American Frontier History Expedition on that same day. That expedition would take horses and as many as 15 riders from Sycamore Shoals to Boonesboro.

Annual Meeting and Nominating Committee:

Joan announced that Gretchen Cope had agreed to head up the nominatig committee.


Old Business:

There was no old business.


New Business:

There was no new business.



There were no announcements.



Jim Addington moved to adjourn the meeting. Jean Hood seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.