Association Meeting Minutes – Sept. 17, 2010
DBWTA Meeting Minutes
Cove Ridge Center
September 17, 2010
Present: Erwin Forrest, Joan Short, Margaret Crouch, Megan France, James Stallard, Barbara Reed, Benny Reed, Joe Fuller, Wanda McConnell, Joy and John Mullin, Taylor Thorpe, Craig Seaver, Mark Woods, Jon Tustin, Billy Heck, Chris Edwards, Lisa McConnell, Bill Smith
The meeting was called to order at 12:08 President Nihil acknowledged the visitors; Mark Wood, Manager of Cumberland Gap National Park; Jon Tustin, Manager of Wilderness Road State Park; Billy Heck, Interpreter at WRSP; and Taylor Thorpe, Manager of Cove Ridge Center at Natural Tunnel State Park. There were no additions to the agenda as presented. President Nihil asked for additions or corrections to the minutes posted on our web site by Secretary Sally Kelly. As there were none, the minutes for the July Association meeting and the August Board of Directors Meeting were approved on a motion by Benny Reed and a second by Barbara Reed. President Nihil summarized the report given by Treasurer Joe Fuller at the August BOD meeting, and informed the Association members that the report was approved. Its details are available online at our web site in the minutes of the August BOD meeting.
Old Business Pres Nihil summarized the offer of a cabin to the Association by the Hobbs family. The complete details are in the August BOD minutes. She informed those present that the BOD had decided to go forward with a geocaching project if there is an Association member who is willing to drive that effort. She mentioned that Karen Davidson of Scott County Tourism has also been asked if she is interested in leading that project. Any member who might be interested in the geocaching project should speak with President Nihil. Joy mentioned that she and Secretary Sally Kelly recently met with web site manager Jared Bentley at GoTriCitties. They are all working together to maximize its usefulness. Jared has suggested that it would be effective for the Association to have a Facebook page. Jared will set that up, Sally Kelly will be a manager and she would appreciate having several others to help with that. It will be most effective if information is frequently posted. A representative of each committee would be ideal.
New Business President Nihil reported that the August reports from our Committees are posted online within the minutes of the August BOD meeting. Some Committee Chairs were asked to present a brief update: Chris Edwards, Events Comm. Chair, reported regarding plans going forth for Harvest Celebration, October 23, 1-5 PM; Christmastide, Saturday, December 11, 5 – 7 PM; and Old Christmas, Saturday, January 6, 2011, 5 – 7 PM.. He also reported regarding a fine artwork print by recognized Native American artist, Doug Hall, that has been donated and that is to be raffled on the Saturday of Siege, 2011, May 21. Tickets will be sold at $5 each at Association events in the interim and at other local events such as Wilderness Road State Park’s Fall Festival in Ocotober and at Home Craft Days, also that month at MEEC in Big Stone Gap. Joan Short, Chair of the Membership Committee passed around a draft of that committee’s proposed new prochure. Feedback concerning needed changes where asked for. Joe Fuller reportedfor the Infrastructure Committee, in the absence of Bob McConnell, that bidding is to be done again regarding the Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Interpretive Center to be built at Duffield. The first bids all came in over budget. Jean Brown reported regarding work being done in Kane’s Gap by her son Joe and Bob McConnell to improve the hiking path there that follows the orignial 1775 Boone Trail. She also provided a map. Craig Seaver, for NTSP, is looking for volunteers in period attire for visiting senior group on Oct 14. He stated that the ribbon cutting for the Park’s cabins is to be Oct 6 Today’s Times News announced that the cabins are complete. Megan France distributed invitations for the Volunteer Banquet. She asked that they be passed along to other Association Members who are not present. Secretary Sally Kelly as also asked to send the invitation to the membership email list. The event is Tuesday, October 5, at Cove Ridge Center at 6:30 PM. Please respond by September 24. Mark Woods of WRSP reported that two weeks from today,is CGNHP’s heritage event focusing on natural history – Raptor Rapture, Oct 1,2,3 Information is posted on their web site. On Nov 5,6 they will be hosting a Lewis and Clark event along with Pine Mountain State Resort Park. There will be the unveiling of a marker and wayside exhibit on the Virginia side. John Tustin, Manager at WRSP announced a Geocaching event there on Sept 25. Oct 9, is their Fall Heritage Festival, whick includes reenactors at the Fort, on Oct. 8,9,10 Pumpkins in the Park is scheduled for October 29, 30, 31 The program for the meeting was presented by Captain Joseph Martin, of Pittsylvania County and the Holston Militia, regarding our colony’s lack of basic English lliberties, and the greedy mininistry of the King that taxes without regard for our rights. Captain Joseph Martin is a first-person historic interpretation by Billy Heck, Interpreter at WRSP. He spoke about living history and the importance of interpretation. Good interpretation requires a passion for it. Billy also related the life chronology of Joseph Martin, a very important early settler on the western Virginia frontier. His program was very well received. The meeting was adjourned at 1:20 PM Respectfully submitted, Sally Kelly, Secretary