Board Meeting Minutes – June 17, 2011



Board of Directors Meeting    

June 17, 2011



Present:  Dale Taylor, Megan France, Joy Nihil, Joe Fuller, Sally Kelly, Charlie Allen, Mary Erwin, Joan Short, John Mullen


There were no additions to the agenda


The minutes of the Board meetings for February and March, as posted on the web site, were approved on a motion by Charlie Allen and a second by Joan Short.


Treasurer Joe Fuller presented his report for the period ending June 15, 2011.  Total in all accounts plus cash was $31,714.34.. The complete report is in the minute book.  The report and the expenses for the period were approved on a motion by Charlie Allen and a second by John Mullen.


Old Business


Sale and distribution of our book, Blockhouse on the Holston:

125 copies were ordered at about $7 each and about half have been distributed.  Please promote the book.  We will place a promotional notice on the web site.


Blacksmith shed:     Megan reported that Park staff is now focusing all efforts on work that needs to be done in the Park.  As time becomes available, the shed will get more attention.

She reported that the 75th Anniversary of Virginia State Parks will be marked at NTSP on Saturday with a ceremony at the amphitheater at 2 PM


Web Site:

President Nihil shared that there was a discussion in the May Association meeting regarding how better to use our web site to promote the association and our events.  Joy is exploring ways to do that.   She has had a conversation with an individual/provider who would do our management for less money than we are currently being charged.  It was suggested to have a conversation with our web manager’s supervisor to help improve things; and to ask, if we left Times/News, could we keep the domain and the site’s design.  The Board agreed we should also pursue other options.


New Business

Joy presented a list of short term goals suggested by the membership at the May Association meeting.

The list was discussed and some items in detail:

Natural Bridge

One recommendation was that the Natural Bridge site on the DBWTA Driving Tour be improved.  Charlie Allen provided a small report regarding that site. He described his recent day trip along the WT route.  Allen made a recommendation to the Board, in the form of a motion, that the Association form a committee, consisting of himself, Jon Tustin, Harold Jerrell, Megan France and Bob McConnell to approach the current owners of the Natural Bridge site (DCR) about their intentions for the site and to express our association’s interest in having a trail from the road to the site and an interpretive panel put there.  The motion was seconded by Joan Short and approved.

Charlie Allen made a motion to donate $500 to ARC toward Lee County’s portion of a tri-state (VA, TN & KY) study designed to increase tourism’s economic impact.  The motion was seconded by Joe Fuller and approved.  WRSP and Lee County Tourism are being asked to donate $500 also.



Blockhouse site

Joan will initiate a conversation with the owner of the property adjacent to the original Anderson blockhouse site to determine any interest in having DBWTA acquire space for parking and an interpretive panel.


Driving Tour

Bob feels updating and distributing the driving tour free brochure would be the most effective way to promote the organization.

Sally will explore cost of reprinting our previous brochure with some changes and having Stafford Custom Graphics distribute it to card racks.


Committee Activities

The Events Committee reports Siege was a great success.  There were around 485 attendees and about thirty six reenactors.

The Events Committee needs more help.  Board members were encouraged to please become involve and suggest participation on this committee to others.


The Furnishings Committee got some good feedback from Billy Heck    The members have gone over his recommendations and are creating a list of priorities.  That committee is also working with Craig Seaver to develop Blockhouse “use” guidelines.


The meeting was adjourned at 1:20