Board Meeting Minutes – June 18, 2010
DBWTA Board of Directors Meeting
Cove Ridge Center
June 18, 2010
Present: Benny Reed, Dale Taylor, John Stafford, Bob McConnell, Wanda McConnell, Margaret Crouch, Dr. Larry Fleenor, Joe Fuller, Joan,Short, Joy Nihil, Sally Kelly
The meeting was called to order at 12:06 by President Nihil.
Secretary Sally Kelly reported that the minutes had been sent in summary form to the Board members with the meeting notice. There were no additions or corrections. Bob McConnell made a motion to accept the minutes as read, the motion was seconded by John Stafford and approved.
Treasurer Joe Fuller gave his report for the period May 16-June 15, 2010. There is a balance in all accounts + cash of $25,022.71. Total income was $969.90 with total expenses of $1905.70. Final balance in all accounts: Operations checking $2376.35, IC checking $20,011.01, Gift shop/credit card acct. $2418.78 & Share acct. $143.47. The complete treasurer’s report is available in the minute book of the Association. Dale Taylor made motion to accept the report, the motion was seconded by Joan Short and approved. Motion was made to approve the expenses by Benny Reed, seconded by Bob McConnell and approved. Treasurer Joe Fuller also presented a summary report of expenses for Siege at the Blockhouse: $2463.35 paid out, income of $461.28, a loss of $1822.07.
Old Business :
Wanda’s Gift Shop Oversight Committee provided an Inventory of its stock. Bob McConnell made a motion that the Board approve the following: Approve the inventory after removing a few selected items, sell the inventory to Natural Tunnel State Park for $6310.27, return the credit card machine, sell the cash register & safe and amend the Memorandum of Understanding with NTSP. Discussion followed concerning the fact that the safe and cash register were purchased with grant money. Bob recommended that we donate the cash register to a nonprofit, since it was paid for by a grant. He recommends that the Association keep the safe. McConnell mentioned that prints in our inventory have previously been awarded on the web site for Frontier Kids. He suggests we no longer offer the prize. The motion was amended to contain those stipulations by Sally Kelly, seconded by Dale Taylor and approved. President Nihil announced that Wanda is willing to stay on the Interpretive Center Oversight Committee. She has asked Jean Brown if she would coordinate volunteers to be at the Interpretive Center in addition to the Block House.
New Business: Bob McConnell reported that there is an effort underway to get additional early trails in SW Virginia designated as Scenic Byways by the state. For this purpose, he offers that we consider the portion of the DBWT Driving tour from the state line to Cumberland Gap. That trail is already designated a Virginia Byway. Bob recommends that we suggest that the existing VA Byway originate at Moccasin Gap. He asked if the Association wants VA to place their Byway signs on Rt 58 or along the historic trail as marked in our driving tour. After some further discussion, Bob made the motion that our Association recommend to Erica Jeter of VA Scenic Byways that the point of origin for the D B Scenic Byway be at Moccasin Gap and that it follow the trail marked by the Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Association, Also recommend that VDOT designate 58 from Bristol to Moccasin Gap as part of its existing scenic Byway, Virginia’s Westward Migration Route. In doing this we are not changing our endorsement of the fact that the actual historic Wilderness Road comes through Tennessee via Reedy Creek, Bloomingdale Pike, and Lucy Road. The motion was seconded by Dr Larry Fleenor and approved. President Nihil presented a summary of Committee Reports to the Board. Only one, the Infrastructure Committee, called for Board action. The complete committee reports are in the Association minute book. Bob McConnell stated that the Infrastructure Committee has identified 4 potential locations for more interpretive panels. One is before Moccasin Gap, another at Duffield (Little Flat Lick), one at the to-be-constructed Daniel Boone Interpretive Center (Kane Gap), and, fourth, one in Lee County near White Rocks (not yet pursued with Lee County). Bob made motion that we pursue a Tobacco Commission grant request for three panels. (Bob has asked Kurlock for an estimate of the cost). The motion was seconded by Benny Reed and approved. There followed some discussion regarding purchasing land in Kane Gap, another Infrastructure project. Bob stated we are not eligble to apply for a Transportation Enhancement Grant until all money from a previous grant is spent on The Daniel Boone Interpretive Center. In maybe three years, we could pursue another grant for the purchase of land. There was considerable discussion regarding what direction to take with our web site. We pay $100 per month for site maintenance. Joy suggested that we bring the issue to the next Association meeting to see if there is a volunteer interested in doing the web site’s management. Joy will work with Jared Bentley and will ask at the next Association meeting regarding a volunteer Finance: Joy provided a handout of recent financial trends of the Association that indicate a decline in funds over a period of years.. Bob explained how we got the cash we do have. 55Kwas gotten from a Lee County grant to provide for installation of our driving tour signage. Basically the 25K currently in our account is what was left over at the completion of the project. All other projects have been funded with various grants. This demonstrates that we have actually been functioning at the same level of solvency over the years. Discussion continued regarding dues for membership. Sally made a motion that we ask the association at the next meeting to raise the basic dues to $25. It was seconded by Benny Reed. Further discussion agreed that the $30 level be removed and that the other levels of membership remain the same. Bob amended the motion to add a student membership level at $10. Joe seconded it. The motion was approved. President Nihil suggests the creation of a budget and a purchasing procedure at some later date. She asked the Finance Committee to look at the issue. Joe announced Marcia Holland graduated at the top of her law enforcement class, becoming the first woman to do so. President Nihil adjourned the meeting at 1:55
Respectfully submitted, Sally Kelly, Secretary