Snodgrass Pension Affidavit

Revolutionary War Pension Affidavit
William Snodgrass

State of Virginia
Washington County

Personally appeared before me Robert Stewart one of the acting Justices of the peace in and for said County Jonas Smith and Edward Smyth & made oath that they have been acquainted with William Snodgrass upwards of fifty years & know of him serving in the years 1775 & 1776 about six months each year under the command of Capt. George Adams for the purpose of guarding the inhabitants of the frontier of Washington County we were kept constantly on duty in guarding the women & children in the forts & the men when laboring in the fields on their farms they also state that the said William Snodgrass was on the Chickamauga campaign against the Cherokee Indians, we were on the King Mountain Campaign Edward Smyth continued in the service a long time after the other troops were discharged their tour was not less than four months also we understood that William Snodgrass & Samuel Meek were in the service in the year 1781 from early in the spring until about the first of December following we understand they were engaged in dispersing Toryes in different parts of the country we also know of his serving several tours o the frontiers of the Clinch settlement the Militia were generally called out from two to three months a time we also understood that William Snodgrass was one of the guard with the wagon that was sent to the lead mines for Lead to supply the troops during the Revolutionary War we also understood William Snodgrass was with a partie of men who was sent to apprehend a man by the name of Cummings who was suspected for setting the Cherokee Indians on the white inhabitants they further state that they have been acquainted with the said William Snodgrass ever since he was a small boy and know that he has always supported a good character as to his credibility and varsity we have never heard it doubted by any person.

Jonas Smith
Edward Smyth

Sworn to & subscribed before
This 28th day of January 1833
Robert Stewart, J.P.