Board Meeting Minutes – October 19, 2017
Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes – Draft
October 19, 2017
A meeting of the Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Association Board of Directors was held on October 19, 2017, 12 noon, at the Cove Ridge Center. Present were Dr. Larry Fleenor, Dale Taylor, Joe Fuller, Joan Short, Grace Bradshaw, Gretchen cope, Robert Chapman, John Mullen, Jim Addington, and Jim Stallard.
The Minutes of the April 21, 2017 board meeting were approved as read.
Treasurer’s Report:
Gretchen reported that the rifle for the new Interpretive Center had been paid for ($2500). She also reported that she has instituted a new system which will track each grant separately so members can clearly see what funds were used for in each account. The monies earned through the auctions at events will be used to buy food for future events.
Park Report:
Robert reported that a new trail system for hiking and biking is being developed. He also reported that Rachel Blevins will be coming on board as a replacement for Megan Krager. He reported that attendance is up in the park and that they have been booked up for all of October. They are now working on Christmas lighting and will work on finding a new S hook to hang a lantern in the Carter Cabin. He will also look into the dehumidifier in the storage room and make sure it is functioning properly.
President’s Report:
Joan stated the need for more men’s period clothing for events. She specifically mentioned men’s leggings and hunting shirts. Dale made the motion that Joan purchase three sets of leggings from James Townsend. Jim seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. There was a discussion of the storage room and the need to reorganize it. Gretchen’s father has offered to build some shelving. Joan wondered if the goat cart could be moved outside and covered with a tarp and placed under the dog trot. The exposure to the weather would be too deleterious, in the opinion of some board members. Joan also reported the need for more Blockhouse volunteers. She thanked members who have volunteered thus far.
Fall Festival:
Joan reported on the status of the film crew coming to complete the video for the Interpretive Center. She reported that Charlie Green took Per Argentine around to visit sites that might be used for the filming. They identified two possible river crossings.
Megan Krager will be on hand for the Fall Festival and will be in charge of checking the black powder rifles. She will also help put up canopies. Margaret will do spinning and assist with the bake overn.
Bill Cawood will help with the fire setting.
Dale Taylor will do the salt works.
Joan, Gretchen, Nancy Childers, Pam and Jean will work the cook fires.
Randy Rausch will be working as a blacksmith and will be working on powder horns.
Glenn Gannaway will staff the Blockhouse.
Charlie Brown will do the leather works.
Mike Smith will be making bowls.
The Smith boys will play music.
Charlie Brown will be in charge of leatherworks.
Gretchen, Abby Mae, and Cory Gardner will be the family in the film.
Charlie Green will be riding a horse.
The board decided they did not need to charge for parking.
Nancy Childers will have a tub of drinks and candy inside the Visitor Center.
They are hoping two or three of the Cherokee Warriors will be in the film.
New Business:
Joe brought up the need for new interpretive signs down at the wayside near Copper Creek. He has a thumb drive of what they should look like. The wayside area is well used, and the signs need to be replaced. The sign was hermetically sealed but has developed a leak and cannot be read. Robert thinks the sign can be made in house. There may be a cost of $800. Two new picnic tables and trashcans are also needed.
There being no further business, John moved and Jim Stallard seconded that the meeting be adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Grace C. Bradshaw