Board Meeting Minutes – Feb. 18, 2011
DBWTA Board of Directors Meeting
February 18, 2011
Present: Dale Taylor, Bob McConnell, Benny Reed, John Mullen, Joe Fuller, Joy Nihil, Sally Kelly, Joan Short, Megan France, Ishmael Richardson, Mary Erwin, John Stafford, Charlie Allen.
The meeting was called to order at noon by President Joy Nihil.
The following additions were made to the agenda:
Discussion of DBWT Interpretive Center
Discussion of DBWTA mission and strategy for the next two years.
Treasurer’s report
Joe Fuller presented his report of expenses and income for the period November 16 through December 31, 2011. Expenses for the period were approved on a motion by John Mullen and second by Mary Erwin. The complete report is in the Association minute book. Joe presented the following detail: CD sales to date total $650, raffle ticket sales total $690, Blockhouse donations in 2010 were $268 for a total of $431.50 designated for Blockhouse furnishings. Membership dues received to date is $1600. The treasurer’s report was approved on a motion by Benny Reed and second by Bob McConnell.
President Nihil informed the Board that the Interpretive Center gift shop cash register will be donated to Dan Paul Closet in Gate City and a receipt obtained from that non-profit organization.
New Business
Josh Wilson project: Bob updated the Board regarding this project which the Board approved pursuing at a virtual meeting earlier this month. The Board agreed to partner with Josh Wilson to raise funds during his term, if elected, as president of CAR of Virginia for a blacksmith shop at the Blockhouse. He can raise funds via statewide tee shirt sales by CAR plus through contributions. CAR presidents usually raise two to three thousand dollars. Funds raised go into a CAR account to be turned over to the project at the end of his term in April, 2012. We will have to up-front the money and be repaid. Cost estimate for the storage area of the blacksmith shop, Josh’s project, is $2706, with a total estimated cost for the building of $5546. The Board had previously projected spending $4450 for the blacksmith shop plus equipment and supplies. Bob McConnell made a motion to support Josh’s endeavor and to approve $5546 to construct the blacksmith shop and storage area. It was seconded by Benny Reed and approved. Megan France reported that in March, college students on spring break will lay logs and that funds are needed to purchase materials. After some discussion, Bob McConnell made a motion that an account be set up with Duffield Lumber with bills sent to our treasurer plus the purchase of a Lowes card in an amount recommended by the Park. The motion was seconded by Benny Reed and approved. Joe Fuller moved that funds for the project be taken from the Interpretive Center account, it was seconded and approved. Josh Wilson will make a presentation at the March Association meeting on his project.
Discussion regarding the proposed Daniel Boone Interpretive Center at Duffield
Bob reported that this project was originally proposed by the DBWTA. Since that time, a nonprofit foundation has been formed and the Board of Supervisors agreed that the owner of record be the EDA. There is a move to get state parks to be responsible for the operation of this center with a line item in the state budget of $150,000 to pay a director and two wage employees. Volunteer help will also be needed. Craig will need to know if he can say the Association will do that. Sally made a motion that the Association commit to providing volunteer help, it was seconded by Bob McConnell and approved.
Association Mission: President Nihil asked for discussion on the best way to revisit our mission and develop a strategy for the next year or two. It was decided to have a strategic planning session similar to the one held at an Association meeting a few years ago and that it be done by the full membership rather than by the Board. An upcoming Association meeting, probably in May will be devoted to the task.
There were no Committee reports except for the Membership Committee. It had its first Trail Talk in January with Billy Heck. They hope to feature Mark and Sherry Finchum in March. The Wilderness Trail Institute presenter last Tuesday was Chad Bogart, he did a talk about the Watuagans. WTI talks are every Tuesday through April 28 at 5:30 and a schedule of speakers is coming soon.
The meeting adjourned at 1:20