Board Meeting Minutes – August 21, 2015
Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
August 21, 2015
The meeting of the Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Association Board of Directors was held at the Cove Ridge Center on August 21, 2015 at 12 pm. Present at the meeting were Jim Addington, Charlie Allen, Robert Chapman, Gretchen Cope, Larry Fleenor, Joe Fuller, Joan Short, Ron Short, and Dale Taylor.
Approval of Minutes:
Joe Fuller moved to approve the minutes from the April 17 meeting. Larry Fleenor seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report:
Joe Fuller delivered the Treasurer’s report. A full copy of the report is filed in the Secretary’s archive.
Larry moved that the financials be approved as reported. Joe seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.
President’s Report:
Joan reported that the Events Committee met the previous week and the dates for the
Frontier Muster and Trade Fair had been set for Saturday, April 30 and Sunday, May 1. She added that the Association had really been able to stretch the grants they had received and she hoped the funds would last through the 2016 Muster. Joan discussed several events up and down the trail where Association volunteers had attended to represent the Blockhouse.
Joan also reported to the Board that Corey Gardner, a previous student of hers, was the newest member of the DBWTA and was also planning on reenacting. Joan explained that Corey had a degree in biology and history and she believed he would be an asset to the Association.
Blockhouse Volunteer Report:
Dale reported there were still several vacancies but that the slots were slowly being filled. He added that a bus tour was scheduled to stop by the Blockhouse and that they had planned for a few volunteers to be there on that day. Dale also let everyone know that volunteers from the Association would be hosting the Carter Cabin during the Lighting of the Tunnel programs.
Park Report:
Robert Chapman reported that construction of the four new two bedroom cabins would begin in September. He also added that there were about 2,500 attendees at Railroad Day. Robert also thanked the Association for hosting the Blockhouse and Carter Cabin during that event. Robert then stated that the Governor’s visit went very well and he thanked the Association for helping fund the dinner that was hosted at the Cove Ridge Center.
Daniel Boone Interpretive Center:
Joe reported that all the bids for the Center were over the budget by at least $500,000. He also stated that Bob McConnell had been in contact with Craig Seaver and some others in Richmond about possibilities for coming up with the additional funding.
Harvest Festival – October 24
Joan reported that the Frontier Harvest Festival would be on Saturday October 24 from 1-5pm. She stated that Charlie Brown would be back to demonstrate tanning and other skills.
Old Business:
Joe asked when Wilderness Road State Park would need the money the Association had decided to contribute toward the Native American Camp. Joan explained that her impression was that they would not need to give the funds until construction was ready to begin.
New Business:
There was no new business.
There were no announcements.
Charlie Allen made the motion to adjourn. Joe seconded that motion and it was approved unanimously.
Action Items:
Gretchen – Send out reminders to Blockhouse volunteers the beginning of the week