Board Meeting Minutes – August 19, 2016

Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Association

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

August 19, 2016



The meeting of the Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Association Board of Directors was held at the Cove Ridge Center on August 19, 2016 at 12 pm.  Present at the meeting were Jim Addington, Gretchen Cope, Larry Fleenor, Joe Fuller, Megan Krager, Bob McConnell, John Mullen, Joan Short, Ron Short, and Dale Taylor.


Approval of Minutes:

Bob McConnell moved to approve the minutes from the April 15, 2016 meeting. Larry Fleenor seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.


Treasurer’s Report:

Joe Fuller delivered the Treasurer’s report. A full copy of the report is filed in the Secretary’s archive.


Jim Addington moved that the financials be approved as reported.  Bob seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.


Joan Short reported that the tables that were purchased from one of the reenactors from Wilderness Road State Park were not quite what was expected. She added that Gretchen Cope’s father had agreed to work on them.


Blockhouse/Volunteer Report:

Dale Taylor reported that the schedule was covered with the exception of just a few days and he was confident that those would be filled in the near future.


Natural Tunnel State Park had decided to add Thursday nights to their Lighting of the Tunnel Programs. The Association decided that they would only have interpreters at the Carter Cabin on the Friday and Saturday nights.


Park Report:

Megan Krager reported that the park was busy working on getting yurts and cabins built and had already begun making preparations for the Christmas Lighting of the Tunnel programs.



Bob reported that they were waiting on approval from VDOT. He also confirmed that the current funding they had received was at $2.9 million.


President’s Report:

Joan reported that the Association really needed to sort through and reorganize the storage room. Shelves would be needed to help with the organization.


Joan also mentioned that lanterns were needed for the Carter Cabin. She explained that Wilderness Road paid $40 each for the lanterns that they purchased, but that the park also had lanterns that they sold in the Blockhouse Visitor Center that were only $20 each. There was some concern from the Board that the Association didn’t need to be investing a great amount of money into the Carter Cabin when it is actually owned and operated by the park. They did agree that for safety purposes there needed to be good lighting in and around the cabin and at least two volunteers present.


The Association would have a presence at Mountain Empire’s Home Craft Days. Joan, Ron, Dale, and possibly others planned to have a booth next to the park’s and to demonstrate flax processing and music as well as tell the story of the Wilderness Road.


Harvest Festival:

Joan explained that the grants account was pretty much exhausted and therefor the Association would not be able to invite Micah. Jackie Fisher and Charlie Brown were still possibilities.


Grant Applications:

Ron Short explained that he was in the process of preparing a grant application. The grant would bring the Warriors of Anikituhwa to our area. The event could be held at the park, or Mountain Empire, or another venue depending on the size of the event.


Old Business:

There was no old business.


New Business:

The Board discussed the importance of having a program or a demonstration when we have volunteers at the Blockhouse. Having a program at each regular Association meeting and less business was also discussed. Several ideas were tossed around about how to increase interest and participation in Association sponsored events.


The Board decided to host a retreat, sort of a brainstorming session, on Saturday, November 12th from 10am to 2pm.



There were no announcements.



Bob made the motion to adjourn. John seconded that motion and it was approved unanimously.