Board Meeting Minutes – April 15, 2016
Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
April 15, 2016
The meeting of the Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Association Board of Directors was held at the Cove Ridge Center on April 15, 2016at 12 pm. Present at the meeting were Joe Brown (via conference call), Robert Chapman, Gretchen Cope, Larry Fleenor, Jean Hood, Joe Fuller, John Mullen, Joan Short, Ron Short Jim Stallard, and Dale Taylor.
Approval of Minutes:
Jim Stallard moved to approve the minutes from the February 19, 2016 meeting. Jean Hood seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report:
Joe Fuller delivered the Treasurer’s report. A full copy of the report is filed in the Secretary’s archive.
Dale Taylor moved that the financials be approved as reported. Jean seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.
Joe Fuller moved that the DBWTA not invoice the park for half of the split rail that was purchased. Jean seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.
Park Report:
Park Manager Robert Chapman reported that the cabins were booked up for the following two weekends. He also reported that three of the four new cabins were completely under roof and that the yurts would probably be constructed sometime after Labor Day. Robert added that the interviews for the Cove Ridge Director position would be held the following week. He then announced that Natural Bridge State Park was officially set to become a Virginia State Park.
Megan Krager reported that the park had a full events schedule and a busy summer ahead.
The general consensus was that progress was being made toward the Interpretive Center and that it seemed that the concept would be coming to fruition.
Dale reported that the schedule for the upcoming year was very ambitious and that there would be an even greater need for volunteers.
Spring Muster and Trade Fiare – April 30/May 1, 2016
Joan reported that Charlie Brown and Micah Swimmer would both be coming to help out with the event. Jean Hood had already prepared the menu and Bonnie and her daughters from Wilderness Road State Park would be helping with the cooking. Joan explained that between paying Charlie and Micah, as well as reenactors from other Parks, the grants account was dwindling. She reminded those in attendance that auction items were still desperately needed.
The American Frontier History Expedition:
Joan reported that the History Expedition would be staying at the park on May 9th, 10th, and 11th. She explained that there were several reenactors with this group and that each one would bring a different skill. The Duffield Primary School 2nd grade class would be visiting the park on one of these days to see the Expedition.
Interns from UVA Wise:
Joan reported that she and Megan met with a representative from UVA at Wise about having interns help to research the deeds along the Kane Gap Trail. The Association needs to determine how the Trail is listed on each deed.
Joe Brown explained that he had done quite a bit of research and that the right of way was deeded to Scott County in the early 20th Century. The key has been, and will continue to be, digging through old records to try to find reference to the trail. The Board decided to have a Committee to discuss the topic further.
Old Business:
There was no old business.
New Business:
There was no new business.
There were no announcements.
John Mullen made the motion to adjourn. Jean seconded that motion and it was approved unanimously.