Board Meeting Minutes – June 21, 2019
Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Association
Board of Director Meeting Minutes
June 21, 2019
The meeting of the Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Association Board of Directors was held at the Cove Ridge Center on June 21, 2019 at 12 pm. Present at the meeting were Rachel Blevins, Robert Chapman, Gretchen Cope, Joe Fuller, Bob McConnell, Lindsey Strohofer, and Keith Wilson.
Call to order: Joan Boyd Short, President
Approval of Minutes:
The minutes from the February meeting were distributed and read. Joe Fuller moved to approve the minutes from February 15, 2019 meeting. Keith Wilson seconded the motion. It was approved unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report:
Gretchen Cope delivered the Treasurer’s report. She gave clarification of the different payments from the general accounts. A full copy of that report is filed in the Secretary’s archive. Keith Wilson Moved to approve the minutes. Bob McConnell seconded the motion. It was approved unanimously.
Park Report:
Robert Chapman gave the report for the park. The park is looking to rent the lift next week to get the Blockhouse Roof fixed.
- Owner of 128 acres on Middle Wallens Creek Road approached the park to donate to the park. He is mentioning it to the Association for possible acquisition. After some discussion Robert said he would follow up with the land owner and get more information.
- Robert spoke about trying to gather some information about the trail and the people who live up through the trail and what we can offer people who have property along the trail. Trying to discover what rights the park has for patrolling the trail.
- Spoke about the MOU that he was able to locate between the DBWTA and Natural Tunnel about the blockhouse. He talked about reviewing the MOU once a year and also establishing a MOU agreement for the new DBWTIC.
Rachel Blevins spoke about a grant she had received from the game department and being able to buy new boats. She also spoke about programs that have been conducted at the park and at DBWTIC. They also have received a grant for the recycling program here at Natural Tunnel.
Bob McConnell reported that the center is open daily. There are a few programs taking place. The two main things the foundation is working on is the Library and additional exhibits. There are some funds left from the Eastman Credit Union donation and as soon as the books are balanced on the project then we will know exactly how much will be transferred to the foundation.
President’s Report:
Joan Boyd Short reported on volunteer opportunity hours. It expands the blockhouse hours. Salt boiling, cooking, candle making, flax. With Railroad day coming up, there are multiple chances for volunteering.
Joan reported on the bio solid issue. She went to the informational meeting at the Pennington Town Hall with the DEQ.
Marquee Tent: Randy Rauch has a friend that makes tents and they can’t beat the Tent Smiths price. Gretchen Cope gave the details of the tent that had been quoted by Tent Smiths and Panther Primitives. Bob McConnell made the motion that they go with Tent Smiths and Keith Wilson seconded the motion. It was approved unanimously.
Flys: Joan report about needing new flies for the Blockhouse area. Bob recommended that we take an inventory of flys, decide what we need, and get quotes from suppliers and order.
Old Business: None
New Business:
Bob McConnell discussed about forming a militia. He would like to purchase a couple of flintlocks to loan people who would like to participate but can’t invest in a gun.
Bob McConnell motioned to adjourn the meeting. Keith Wilson seconded the motion.