Association Meeting Minutes – September 18, 2015

Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Association
Meeting Minutes – Draft
Friday, September 18, 2015

The meeting of the Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Association was held at the Cove Ridge Center on Friday, September 18 at 12 pm. Present at the meeting were Jim Addington, Charlie Allen, Grace Bradshaw, Joe Brown, Gretchen Cope, Margaret Crouch, Larry Fleenor, Joe Fuller, Corey Gardner, Sally Kelly, Jonathan Lane, Bob McConnell, Wanda McConnell, John Mullen, Joy Mullen, Joan Short, and Dale Taylor.

President of the Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Association introduced new members Corey Gardner and Jonathan Lane.

Approval of Minutes from July meeting:
Margaret Crouch moved that the minutes be approved as written. Charlie Allen seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.

Treasurer’s Summary Report:
Joe Fuller delivered the Treasurer’s Report. A full copy of the report is filed in the Secretary’s archive.

Dale Taylor moved that the financial report be approved. John Mullen seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.

Blockhouse Report:
Dale reported that the Blockhouse was fairly well covered with only a few exceptions and that visitation had been good.

Reports from Partners along the Trail:
No partners were present but Charlie Allen announced that Wilderness Road’s Harvest Festival would be on Saturday, October 10.

Larry Fleenor announced that Sharon Ewing with the Southwest Virginia Museum was promoted to District 6 manager. Larry also explained that the bus tours were going very well.

President’s Report:
Bus Tours/Carter Family Group-
Joan reported that a group of Carter family members would be visiting the park to see the Carter Cabin and Blockhouse and that she, Dale, Corey, and Megan were working on a presentation for them. She added that there had been a bus tour recently and they were expecting another in October

New tarp for Blockhouse-
Joan announced that Dale had been able to aquire a new tarp for the third side of the Blockhouse. There was some discussion about hooks to attach the tarp to the Blockhouse. Joan said she would check at Lowes and Home Depot.

Wagon on Blockhouse Site-
Joan explained that the wagon next to the Spring house was in bad shape and she was concerned it was a safety hazard. The Association discussed different options for what to do with the wagon. Bob McConnell suggested that the Association attempt to find someone that could take the running gears and undercarriage and add a period correct box and seat. Joan agreed to look into it and added that if anyone could assist in that endeavor or if they knew someone that may be able to build the box and seat she would greatly appreciate it.

Facebook Page-
Joan announced that Gretchen had made a short video of just a shot of the three sisters garden with Bill Cawood providing commentary about the garden. It was put on facebook the previous week and already had over 1,300 views. Gretchen played the clip on the projector for all of those in attendance. There was much discussion about doing other short clips for the website and facebook page.

Harvest Festival:
The Harvest Festival was to take place on Saturday, October 24 from 1-5. Joan encouraged everyone to attend.

Old Business:
Interpretive Center-
Bob McConnell reported that the new Interpretive Center may not come to fruition. Bob explained that if they ran out of options and were forced to give up on the project they may still be able to use the grant money they had received toward another similar project(s). There was much discussion on how to use the grant money.

Trash Receptacle-
Joe Fuller reported that the trash receptacle that was purchased by the DBWTA and the Scott County Chamber of Commerce has been installed.

New Business:
Joan read a letter aloud that she had written to Sally Kelly and awarded her an honorary lifetime member of the DBWTA.

There were no announcements.

Charlie Allen moved to adjourn the meeting. Corey Gardner seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.