Association Meeting Minutes – Nov. 20, 2009

DBWTA Meeting

Friday, November 20, 2009

Cove Ridge Center




Present: Sally Kelly, Joe Fuller, Benny Reed, Barbara Reed, Larry Fleenor, Dale Taylor, Wanda McConnell, Mary Erwin, Joy Nihil, Jean Brown, Margaret Crouch, Craig Seaver, Bob McConnell, Megan France, John Mullen, Joy Mullen, Jim Addington, Joan Short, Bill Smith, John Stafford, Pam Eddy, Joe Brown, Zachary Smith, Ron Short, Ganell Marshall, Ron Short


The meeting was called to order at 12:05. Guests Joy Mullen, wife of John, and Pam Eddy, Cumberland Gap National Historic Park Interpreter were introduced by President McConnell


McConnell asked if everyone had received and read the minutes of the September meeting. There were no corrections or additions, so he asked for approval of the minutes as read. A motion for approval was made by Benny Reed, seconded by Wanda McConnell and approved by those present.


Treasurer Joe Fuller presented the report for the September to November period and the expenses. Benny Reed moved to approve the report, the motion was seconded by John Stafford and approved. Wanda McConnell made motion to accept the expenses report, it was seconded by John Stafford and approved. (These minutes are being typed up away from my hard copy of the treasurer’s report, so I am unable to give the balance in checking. A full copy of the report is available in the minute book. – SBK, secretary)

Events Chair Sally Kelly reported that in September Mark Finchum and Indian Creek Productions was overpaid by $400 for their participation in Native American Day. Sally takes responsibility for the error. Mark reported it to Sally. He suggested three options: He would mail back the amount over what they were owed; he would keep the extra $400 and use it to bring more Native American reenactors to the 2010 Siege at the Blockhouse; or he would subtract $400 from what we usually pay them for Siege. The Events Committee would like to accept option number 2 and have the money be used for more Native participation in our next Siege. This decision by the Events Committee met the approval of the Association membership.


Committee Reports:


Blockhouse Site

Chris Edwards stated that he has nothing newto report regarding the Blockhouse site.


Blockhouse Interpretation

Jean Brown reported that in 2009, 456 volunteer hours were recorded, 2618 folks visited the Blockhouse, and there were donations for $170.90 That figure includes 245 students.

Benny Reed spoke asking all to consider volunteering at the Blockhouse and/or helping Megan with school groups. He suggested that folks may develop a persona to interpret or just come in a green shirt. Visitors look forward to the interpreters. He also suggested the addition of a donation box at Interpretive Center.




Sally spoke of the success of our September Native American Day. It was well attended. The use of a donation spot with posted suggested donation amount of $3 helped bring in nearly $200. One visitor left $60. Harvest Celebration went well. Those folks who also participated in a Park sponsored hay ridethat evening added to attendance at the event.

Planning is complete for Christmastide at the Blockhouse, scheduled for Saturday, December 19. Everyone is invited to attend. Siege at the Wilderness Road Blockhouse 2010 is already being worked on. The Events committee met November 12. An ad for Siege will be placed in Muzzleloader Magazine in conjunctionwith Wilderness Road State Park. Registration for Siege can now be done at the DBWTA web site. The committee will meet again in January to continue planning.



Barbara Reed displayed a coverlet donated by Kathy and Wayne McClellan It was made by Sarah Elvira Grimm around 1870. Barbara provided some more history of the item: Kathy and Wayne’s family member made it from wool and cotton she grew. An article with it explains its history and will be placed in the Furnishing Committee’s record book.



Harold Jerrell was not able to attend this meeting. He had no new progress to report regarding media



Craig Seaver reported regarding Megan’s workshop, Travel Through Time. The three day teacher workshop received great reviews. Next spring the Association will help present the Wilderness Road Institute at MECC. It will provide cross curriculum recertification and a 3 hr course for educators. A proposed syllabus was passed around. the Park is now lining up financial support. The Cove Ridge Foundation is putting up $1000. There will be transportation costs, mailing, fuel, stipends for guest speakers. ARC selects, at random, projects they donate money to to assess. Our Interpretive Center project was selected. Bob was able to use Travel Through Time as an example of the very thing they believe is best value for their donated funds.

Joan Short reported that she is very excited about having been included in the planning for Travel Through Time. Those experiences were so valued by the participants. She is happy we are able to use our local history to support the education system with SOL supportive focus.

Megan stated that it is another way, perhaps, to introduce others to the sites where they might be willing to volunteer.

Craig mentioned that each school system approaches recertification differently and that their expectations are not all the same. This adds to the factors that must be considered to enable participation in the proposed Institute, and in workshops such as TTT.

This task force is asking up to $1000 toward their efforts from the Association. Joan also mentioned that volunteers from the DBWTA will be needed

Benny Reed made a motion to give $1000 for the project, it was seconded by

John Stafford, and approved.

Other discussion included the following: Bill Smith asked that info regarding this project be sent to him at Wise County. John Stafford posed the question if Tobacco Commission would fund this sort of project. Joy wanted to know about when the Institute may occur.

Megan is still working with area superintendents; but, it is tentatively set to begin in February. The class meetings will be on Tuesdays, except when field trips occur that week The planners must also work around various systems’ spring breaks. A maximum of 20 participants will be included.



Margaret had nothing new to report.



Ron Short explained production of our Wilderness Road CD and its challenges. It features tracks written by Ron and traditional melodies. We listened to one track. Bob plans to mail one to each member. We have 1000 to sell. Performers donated their time. We got a really fine deal. Bob expressed appreciation to Ron for his time Ron stated that it is a great driving CD. He suggests a sale price of $15; and that the Association probably needs a committee to make decisions regarding marketing, etc. There is a possibility of live performances as a marketing tool. The CD includes music of the time and about the time. it would be saleable at C Gap SS, and other State parks. Bob said it will be put it up on the website store. John Stafford suggested that it could probably also be sold at Roan Mountain State Park. A Marketing Committee was established consisting of

Bill Smith, Joan Short, and Joy Nihil. Wanda suggested this marketing venture be run through the Interpretive Center.



New Business

Dr Fleenor has new book, Black Mountain. It is available for $24.95

The Association is involved in a Powell Mountain Overlook project on the Lee County side. From it one can see Wallen Creek Valley. There will be a similar to overlook between BSG and Norton There will be a walkway over US 58 to bring visitors to the Scott County side of the highway. The Tobacco Commission is being asked for money for preliminary engineering work. Our Association will be involvedfor interpretive content for panels similar to the ones we installed earlier for the Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Driving Tour.

Another project has to do with a number of Tourism routes that cross over in Scott County It is looked for to get them designated VA Byways so that, ultimately, they could get National Scenic Byways designation.

(These include, for example, the Wilderness Trail, Crooked Road, and the Coal Hwy, etc)

Bob had a request from a Canadian who visited our web site. the man was asking could his group have a copy of the plan for our Blockhouse and information regarding construction cost. Bob feels we should be willing to share



Bob appointed a Nominating Committee to bring a proposed slate of officers to the January meeting: Margaret Crouch, Wanda McConnell, and Mary Erwin.



The meeting was declared adjourned at 1:10


Respectfully submitted

Sally Kelly
