Association Meeting Minutes – May 21, 2010
DBWTA regular meeting
Cove Ridge Center May 21, 2010
Present: Benny Reed, James Stallard, Joe Fuller, Joy Nihil, Sally Kelly, Jordan Self, Margaret Crouch, Jean Brown, Jean Hood, Mary Jane Erwin, Megan France, Erwin Forrest, Joan Short, Wanda McConnell, Charlie Allen, Chris Edwards, Taylor Thorp, Joe Brown, Lisa McConnell, Bob McConnell, Pam Eddy, Ron Short, Bill Smith Meeting called to order at 12:06 by President Nihil. Introduction of visitors: Newest member Erwin Forrest, Pam Eddy of Cumberland Gap National Park, and Taylor Thorp, Cove Ridge Center Director, were introduced. Pam expressed her pleasure to be cooperating with other parks. Secretary:
The minutes of the March meeting were approved on a motion by Benny Reed and a second by Joan Short. Treasurer: Treasurer Joe Fuller presented his repor for the period March – May. It was approved on a motion by Benny Reed and a second by Craig Seaver. The expenses for the period were approved on a motion by Benny Reed and a second by Joan Short. The balance in operations for the period was $3,294.66 and the expenses for the period were $2,239.62 The detailed treasurer’s report is in the Association minute book. Old Business As the amended bylaws move the Association in direction of having most business conducted by the Board of Directors, the Board recommends a change in format for our meetings. The Board will receive the detailed treasurer report, with a summary report to go to the Association meeting, Association members will receive minutes of the Board and Association meetings, including an executive summary of the Treasurer’s report. Mary Erwin made that motion, it was seconded by Joan Short, and approved. A mechanism is needed for expenditures by the Board. President Nihil asked for an amount up to $500 for individual expenditures. Larger expenditures would be brought before the Association. Sally so moved, Benny seconded, and the motion was approved. A suggestion to require two signatures on checks was discussed and tabled until such time as the IRS requires it. Committee Reports Chris Edwards reported that the Events Committee has been meeting bi-weekly. More volunteers for various tasks are needed for Siege this weekend, Saturday and Sunday, May 22-23. Finance: Margaret Crouch that they are working on a recommendation regarding CD sales. That will be brought before the Board. Interpretive Center: Report postponed to New Business. Blockhouse Interpreters Jean Brown reported that volunteer slots are mostly filled for all weekends this season Membership Joan Short reported that the Association has a new member, Erwin Forrest. She is working on a new member packet to include sources for clothing and accouterments Music Ron Short spoke of our CD on Channel 5 TV during advertising for Siege yesterday, May 20.. That music is to be played in the Interpretive Center during Siege. Publicity and Public Relations : President Nihil has asked for a new committee to be headed by Sally Kelly. Sally reported that she met recently with other County folks to develop a filming agenda for a national TV channel, Travel Nation, that plans a segment on our county. DBWT Interpretive Center at Duffield Bob McConnell reported that they are waiting for a VDOT approval to send out the contract for bids. A Scenic Byways grant for $800,000 will be sought for the Center’s exhibits. A grant is also being looked for to pay for media. Park: Craig Seaver thanked Benny Bloomer, Edgar Hood, and Joe Brown for their work installing the new herb garden. He also stated his appreciation for the Association’s support with the Wilderness Road Institute. Ron Short reported that the program resulted in an award to Mountain Empire Community College at a recent community colleges conference. It was voted one of the best new programs and instructor Joan Short received the adjunct Teacher of the Year award. That program is a shining example of regional groups working together.
Scott County Horse Association: Charlie Green reported that the Raid at Martin’s Station was fabulous and that Siege was strongly promoted there. New Business President Nihil reported that our Interpretive Center is not doing well volunteers-wise. After consulting with the Park, the Board is considering turning over its gift shop operation to the Park. Craig suggested ways this could go. The Board recommends to the Association that operation of the gift shop to the Park. Under this plan, the Park would take complete operation responsibility and pay a lump sum for all inventory. The benefits of this plan are that Association resources would no longer have to focus on all the tasks concerned with that operation. There would no longer be a need for a credit card machine or cash register. Margaret Crouch make the motion, it was seconded by Lisa McConnell. After some discussion, it was agreed to add language to the motion requiring future items offered for sale to be historically appropriate for our site. The new hours are expected to be Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, May through October from 10 AM to 6 PM. The motion was approved. Benny made a motion that our web site sales be shut down and that we authorize Bob and Craig to cooperate regarding any orders that may come in during the interim. Charlie seconded the motion and it was approved. Bob thanked Wanda for all the work she has put in connected gift shop. The lack of volunteers placed most responsibility for the shop operation on her. Joy invited Bob to front of room and presented to him a plaque that will be placed on pedestal beneath a new red oak tree that will be planted in his honor The meeting was adjourned at 1:20
Respectfully submitted, Sally Kelly, Secretary