Association Meeting Minutes – May 15, 2015

Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Association
Meeting Minutes – Draft
Friday, May 15, 2015

The meeting of the Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Association was held at the Cove Ridge Center on Friday, May 15 at 12 pm. Present at the meeting were Jim Addington, Scott Bowen, Joe Brown, Robert Chapman, Gretchen Cope, Margaret Crouch, Erwin Forrest, Larry Fleenor, Joe Fuller, Bob McConnell, Wanda McConnell, Barbara Reed, Benny Reed, Joan Short, Ron Short, Dale Taylor, Ruble Taylor and James Stallard.

Approval of Minutes from January meeting:
Bob McConnell moved that the minutes be approved as written. Margaret Crouch seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.

Treasurer’s Summary Report:
Joe Fuller delivered the Treasurer’s Report. A full copy of the report is filed in the Secretary’s archive.

Wanda McConnell moved that the financial report be approved. Dale Taylor seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.

Report from Sycamore Shoals State Park:
Joan reported that the Siege at Fort Watauga was scheduled for the next day and that she, Gretchen Cope, and Abby Mae would be there processing flax.

Wilderness Road State Park:
Scott Bowen reported that the 15th Annual Raid was very successful. There were 535 reenactors, 560 students, and about 2,200 general public at the event. Scott announced that they were selling raffle tickets for various handmade accoutrements with the drawing to be held in October, 2016. Proceeds were going toward the construction of a Native Camp.

Bob moved that the Association provide $1,000 toward the construction of the Native Camp. Dale Taylor seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.

Cumberland Gap State Park:
Barbara Reed announced that Cumberland Gap was hosting an event in honor of the 100th anniversary of the markers that were placed by the Daughters of the American Revolution. She explained that the National President of DAR and her Vice Presidents, Officers, State Regents from KY, TN, VA, and NC and DAR members would all be present at the dedication.

Joan added that she, Gretchen, and Abby Mae would be representing the Blockhouse at that event.

Report from Natural Tunnel:
Robert Chapman reported that park staff was currently working hard to get the pool up and running. He informed those in attendance that the park hired about 60 new employees for the summer. Robert also reported that the Governor was schedule to visit the park on July 17 and 18. Robert hoped to host a dinner for the Governor, the Cove Ridge Foundation and Advisory Board, and the DBWTA at the Cove Ridge Center on Friday evening.

Report from Natural Tunnel State Park Educational Specialist:
In Megan Krager’s absence, Joan reported that although attendance was down at the Muster all workshops were well attended and there were over 50 interpreters present. She added that there were 45 people at church on Sunday.

Report from DBWT Interpretive Center:
Bob reported that there were still waiting on a few things and that progress was being made with the designs and interpretive exhibits. He stated that they were planning on reviewing the completed designs in June.

Volunteer Report:
Dale reported that there were still several vacant spots left on the schedule. Dale and Joan both urged members to volunteer to help keep the Blockhouse open on weekends.

Joan also announced that shirts with the new logo on it are available for purchase.

President’s Report:
Joan reported that she met with Sam and Carolyn Compton after the Muster. Sam was interested in creating a driving brochure similar to the DBWTA driving brochure. She explained that she agreed to support Sam’s efforts by simply stating that the DBWTA supported any efforts to bring attention to the Wilderness Road. Sam was hoping to have the Trace designated as a National Trail. The Association agreed to support efforts to publicize the trail but all agreed that it may not be wise to “partner” with other organizations without knowing exactly what their intentions are.

Old Business:
There was no old business.

New Business:
There was no new business.

Robert Chapman announced that the Cove Ridge Foundation and Advisory Board was sponsoring a one week trip across Virginia for high school students and that participation was low. He asked Association members to help get the word around to try to increase participation.

Bob McConnell moved to adjourn. Dale Taylor seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.