Association Meeting Minutes – March 19, 2010
DBWTA meeting
March 19, 2010
Cove Ridge Center
The meeting was called to order at 12:08 PM
Present Norman Sobel, Jean Brown, Jean Hood, Joy Nihil, Ron Short, Craig Seaver, Bob McConnell, Joe Fuller, Barbara Reed, Benny Reed, Harold Jerrell, Sally Kelly, Dale Taylor, David Oaks, Wanda McConnell, Dave Collette (new Dist 7 parks manager), Mark Woods (CGNP), Megan France, Margaret Crouch, Pam Eddy (CGNP), Chris Edwards, Lisa McConnell, Billy Heck and Johathan Tustin (WRSP), New Cove Ridge Director Taylor Thorp, Allan Maggert (Maggert Redording Studio), Gannel Marshall, John and Joy Mullin, Joan Short, Joe Brown, John Stafford
President McConnell introduced guests: Taylor Thorp, Director at Cove Ridge Center; Dave Collette, District Park Manager; Mark Woods, Superintendent at Cumberland Gap National Park; Billy Heck and Joh Tustin (WRSP); and Alan Maggard of Maggard Recording Studios.
President McConnell made presentation of two awards He mentioned that 2010 is the 15 year anniversary of our organization, and how proud we are of our accomplishment with the new CD, given in such an unselfish way, by Ron Short and Maggard Studios. Bob presented a Plaque to sound studio President Dave Maggard for their contribution to the Wilderness Road heritage.
Then Bob mentioned a tradition created by John Stafford The Stafford Rock has been given to a few folks for significant efforts. The latest Stafford Rock goes to Ron Short as a token of appreciation to one who gives unselfishly. In the tradition of Stafford Communications, the DBWTA presented this award to Ron. Ron expressed that he was very honored to have done the CD, and very surprised and grateful for this award..
Sally Kelly asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes of the January meeting.
It was mentioned that the words” President elect” should be inserted in front of Joy’s name on page 5. With that correction, Benny Reed made a motion to accept the minutes, it was seconded by Harold Jerrell and approved.
Treasurer Joe Fuller read his report and list of expenses. The ending balance in checking for the period is $4,695.57 and the expenses were $1.806.08. The full Treasurer’s report is available in the minute book Lisa McConnell made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report, it was seconded by John Stafford and approved. Joan Short made a motion to accept the expenses for the period, Wanda McConnell seconded the motion and it was approved.
Benny Reed made the audit report. The Association and the Interpretive
Center financials were found to be without notable objection. The audit report is in the minute book.
Our Bylaws have been amended to be in compliance with laws and guidelines governing nonprofits, and to meet IRS best practices and standards
Benny Reed made a motion to accept the Bylaws as amended, John Mullin seconded the motion and it was approved.
The President’s annual report is included in the minute book. It included mention of accomplishments such as the bake oven, plans for a shed for a blacksmith, a bellows., the rifle and pouch added at the Interpretive Center, landscaping and stone work at the flag pole funded by the SAR, lights added along path, Educational outreach, partnership with NTSP, WRSP, CGNP, Intern Project, Interpretive programs in county schools, CD, Blockhouse book manuscript completed. Events included Siege, Harvest, Celebration and Native American Day. Christmastide was canceled due to weather. Our Association’s strong partnerships within DCR and with CGNP were mentioned; as was work with DCR get legislation passed allowing nonprofits to be vendors in state parks. Our association played a leading part in initiatives such as Virginia’s Wilderness Road Migration Route Driving Tour, and the coming Daniel Boone Interpretive Center at Duffield.
Elections of Officers
The Nominating Committee presented the slate brought before the Association in January. There were no additional nominations from the floor. Harold Jerrell made a motion to accept the slate by acclamation, it was seconded by David Oaks and approved.
The slate of nominees for the DBWTA Board of Directors was also accepted by acclamation on a motion to that effect by Wanda McConnell, seconded by Barbara Reed.
Old Business
In the future, much of the business of the association will be conducted by the Board of Directors to allow time for programs at association meetings so reports were not asked for from all committees.
Chris Edwards reported that his committee has been meeting monthly and will begin meeting twice monthly in April. He reminded the membership that they are seeking volunteers, and that anyone who participates in period costume must please register. Chris asked the Association to approve a budget for Siege of up to $3000.
Ron Short so moved, it was seconded by Benny Reed and approved.
Chris mentioned that there is a changed date for Christmastide to Dec 11 for 2010. Also on Jan 8, 2011, there will be an event called Old Christmas.
The next meeting of the Events Committee is April 15.
Jean Brown announced that she is collecting names for Blockhouse volunteers for 2010 on Saturdays and Sundays, May – Oct. Every one is encouraged to plan to be part of that.
Wanda is soliciting volunteers to staff the Interpretive Center for the same period. She stated that the lists of volunteers for the Blockhouse and the Interpretive Center will be posted in the Interpretive Center when complete. Benny reemphasized how important these two volunteer activities are for the image of the Association and its projects. Ron commented on the richness of the experience.
Jean has plans with her for all to see of the blockhouse herb garden. It is hoped to have it installed by the end of April.
Mark Woods of CGNP spoke briefly. He stated that his park is working to strengthen its partnerships with Virginia state parks. A calendar of their activities is available online at their web site. He expressed how happy he is to work with this park and this Association, and noted that at Cumberland Gap they have seen an increase in visitors thanks to weather.
John Tustin spoke regarding Martin’s Station. The fort opens the second weekend in April and will be open six days per week beginning with the Raid May 7-9. Repairs have been made to the fort. Billy expressed his expectation that they are going to break their record for reenactor turnout this year. An entire Virgina line regiment is expected. There may be as many as 600 reenactors, and they hope to have as many as 40 Native Americans.
John Tustin mentioned that this weekend there is a rain barrel workshop at Wilderness Road Park.
Bob McConnell showed our ad in Muzzleloader Mag. Joan shared a cover of Muzzle Blaster magazine featuring a photo from WRSP.
Megan reported regarding the interpreter workshop Skills Along Wilderness Road. It is being done in cooperation with CGNP’s Pam Eddy, Candle making, soap making, interpreter skills, clothing and cooking will be presented.
Megan and Joan are currently doing the Wilderness Trail Institute for teachers. Last week they had Bill Cawood regarding flora of the park, including a visit to the Blockhouse with Ron interpreting as Elisha Wallen. Billy will do next weekend as Capt Joseph Martin. Megan has a sign up list for volunteers for the frontier community on March 30 The Wilderness Trail Institute commenced Feb 9.
Constructing a Blacksmith shed is probably not going to get done this year, That project is dependent on Park personnel that is currently busy elsewhere. We will get and store a bellows and an anvil. Chris will learn the blacksmith skills.
John Stafford asked if we are still looking for another log cabin to construct on the site.
There being no new business, Bob expressed his great pleasure being our President during the last four years and his delight to pass the reigns to Joy Nihil.
New President Nihil expressed her appreciation for the opportunity to fill Bob’s big shoes. New Officers and members of the Board were asked to attend a Board meeting here at Cove Ridge next Friday, March 26 ,at noon.
Bob expressed appreciation to all new members, active members.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:52
Respectfully submitted,
Sally Kelly