Association Meeting Minutes – March 16, 2012

Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Association

Meeting Minutes

Friday, March 16, 2012


The meeting of the Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Association was held at the Cove Ridge Center on Friday, March 16, 2012 at 12 pm.  Present at the meeting were Jim Addington, Jean Brown, Joe Brown, Gretchen Cope, Margaret Crouch, Larry Fleenor, Megan France, Sally Kelly, Lisa McConnell, Bob McConnell, Wanda McConnell, Joy Nihil, Barbara Reed, Benny Reed, Joan Short, Ron Short, John Stafford, James Stallard, Steven Starnes, Dale Taylor, Mark Woods.



Joy Nihil introduced Gretchen Cope and announced that she would be taking over the secretarial duties.


Approval of Minutes:

Bob McConnell motioned that the minutes from the January meeting be approved as written.  Benny Reed seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.


Treasurer’s Report:

In Joe Fuller’s absence Bob McConnell presented a summary his Treasurer’s report.  It is included in the files.


Audit Committee’s Report:

Bob McConnell reported that everything was found to be accurate.


President’s Annual Report:

President Joy Nihil presented the annual president’s report. A full copy of the report is filed in the Secretary’s archive.


Ron Short explained a new tradition that he would like to see in place. He suggested that a tree be planted (preferably an American Chestnut) in honor of each President.  Bob McConnell added that a plaque should be placed in the Exhibit Center listing the honorees.  John Stafford Seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.


Election of Officers and Directors:

Bob McConnell offered the slate of officers and members of the Board of Directors that were presented at the January meeting.  He asked for nominations from the floor.  Hearing none, Benny Reed moved that all be elected by acclamation, Wanda McConnell seconded the motion and it was approved.  The following are the new officers and Board of Directors of the Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Association:  President – Joan Short, Vice President – Dale Taylor, Treasurer – Joe Fuller, Historian – Dr Lawrence Fleenor, Board of Directors – Past President Joy Nihil, Sally Kelly, Jim Addington, Charlie Allen, Forrest Erwin, Willis Grimm, John Mullen, John Stafford, and James Stallard.


Ron Short motioned to appoint Bob McConnell as Director Emeritus.  Benny Reed amended the motion to make it by acclamation and it was seconded by Wanda McConnell.


Joy Nihil reminded the members that Gretchen Cope would be carrying out the Secretarial duties and thanked Sally Kelly for her years of service.


Board of Directors Report:

President Joy Nihil reported on the February Board of Directors’ Meeting. A copy of the minutes from that meeting is filed in the Secretary’s archive and is also available online.


Bob McConnell reported regarding recent efforts to get a National Historic Route designation for the Wilderness Road.  The VDOT has ruled against giving State Byway status for the portion of the route in Virginia because they deem parts of Rt 11 too commercial.


Bob also announced that construction of the Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Interpretive Center at Duffield has once more been put out for bids.


Old Business:

There was no old business.


New Business:

Jean has sign up sheet for interpreters at the Blockhouse for May – October.  Jean asked that the new President designate a new person to organize the volunteer assignments.  Joan announced that new officers will meet immediately after this meeting and will take care of that


Walkway Pavers at the Blockhouse

Megan France explained that with help from students that were visiting the park on Alternative Spring Break they were able to install sidewalk pavers at the Blockhouse. The pavers that were installed had been donated, but that there were not enough to finish the project. She then asked the Association for $900 to purchase what was necessary to complete the walk.  Bob McConnell made a motion that the Association provide up to $1,000. Joan Short seconded and it was approved unanimously.


Committee Reports

Joan reported that the committee has created a list of tasks that need doing ahead of time or during Siege and members may be contacted to ask if they will take on those jobs.



Joan announced that WTI will have Randell Jones as presenter and he will offer a storytelling lecture at 7 at Cove Ridge Center.  All Association members are invited.

Bob announced for Joe that membership renewals are behind as compared for this time of year.  He encourages all to renew as soon as possible and encourage others to become members.


Sally and Ann Sturgill will organize auction.  Jean suggested that minimum bids be put on items.  John reminded all that donations of materials or money is tax deductible.



The  meeting was adjourned at 1:15 on a motion by Bob McConnell.