Association Meeting Minutes – July 20, 2012
Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Association
Meeting Minutes
Friday, July 20, 2012
The meeting of the Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Association was held at the Cove Ridge Center on Friday, May 18, 2012 at 12 pm. Present at the meeting were Jim Addington, Robert Chapman, Gretchen Cope, Jean Brown, Margaret Crouch, Danny Dixon, Mary Erwin, Megan France, Joe Fuller, Sally Kelly, Bob McConnell, Lisa McConnell, Wanda McConnell, Joy Nihil, Joan Short, and Ron Short.
Approval of Minutes from May meeting:
Wanda McConnell moved that the minutes be approved as written. Ron Short seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.
Treasurer’s Summary Report:
Joe Fuller delivered the Treasurer’s Report. A full copy of the report is filed in the Secretary’s archive.
Jim Addington moved that the financials be approved as reported. Joy Nihil seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.
Report from Natural Tunnel:
Robert Chapman reported that Natural Tunnel had escaped most of the storms that had affected many of Virginia’s State Parks. He further reported that a few weeks ago Natural Tunnel had been without power for 26 hours due to a storm, but that the park had not suffered any extremely damaging effects from that storm.
Megan France gave a brief report on Park Interpretive Programs, Nature Trek 360, and the Summer Wilderness Trail Institute. She and Joan explained that the Institute was successful and a learning experience for both the students and for themselves.
President’s Report
Board of Director’s Report
Joan announced that the Board approved to order 60 more copies of the Blockhouse on the Holston Books as well as to install a fly at the Blacksmith Shop.
Association Website
Joan reported that she had met with Bill Conkin at Kingsport Times News to discuss the website and that he had explained to her that the Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Association website was one of the oldest sites. She added that Bill Conkin offered to have it updated to WordPress at no additional charge, which would bring the website up to date while making it more user-friendly. Joan further explained that she had found out that the $100 a month that the Association pays the Kingsport Times covers not only the standard website fees and 35 min to an hour of tech support a month, but also includes an advertising banner on the Kingsport Times News website which shows 30,000 times a month.
Bob McConnell stated that adding itinerary suggestions to the website might be beneficial.
American Chestnut Trees
Robert Chapman explained that it would be best to plant the trees at the already existing tree lines. Joan stated that the trees would probably be planted in the fall.
2012 Siege Report
Joan announced that the 2013 Siege would take place on April 20th & 21st.
Photos and music from 2012 Siege.
Old Business:
Driving Brochure
Joan announced that she had given a large stack of brochures to Scott County Tourism. Sally Kelly listed several locations in East Tennessee and South West Virginia where the brochures had been delivered.
New Business:
NEA Grant
Ron Short announced that the Association did get a grant, although he was not exactly sure what the amount would be. He did know that it would be somewhere in the neighborhood of $20,000 and he explained that the grant would be very helpful with bringing in Cherokee and African American re-enactors to activities that take place throughout the entire year.
There were no announcements.
Sally Kelly moved to adjourn. Bob McConnell seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.