Association Meeting Minutes – March 21, 2014

Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Association

Meeting Minutes

Friday, March 21, 2014

The meeting of the Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Association was held at the Cove Ridge Center on Friday, March 21, 2014 at 12 pm.  Present at the meeting were Jim Addington, Patti Blackwell, Scott Bowen, Robert Chapman, Gretchen Cope, Margaret Crouch, Larry Fleenor, Joe Fuller, Megan France, Grant Hardin, Bob McConnell, John Mullen, Joy Mullen, Wendy Mullen, Joan Short, Ron Short, John Stafford, Anne Sturgill, and Dale Taylor.


President Joan Short introduced special guest Wendy Mullen, daughter of John and Joy Mullen, and welcomed her to the meeting.


Report from Nominating Committee and Election of Officers:

Gretchen Cope announced that the nominated officers and directors for 2014 were as follows:


President:                    Joan Short

Vice President:            Dale Taylor

Secretary:                    Open

Treasurer:                    Joe Fuller

Historian:                    Dr. Larry Fleenor


Jim Addington, Charlie Allen, Erwin Forrest, Jean Hood, John Mullen, Ron Short, John Stafford, and Jim Stallard.


John Stafford moved to accept the nominations. Patti Blackwell seconded that motion and it was approved unanimously.


Approval of Minutes from March meeting:

Ron Short moved that the minutes be approved as written.  John Mullen seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.


Treasurer’s Summary Report:

Joe Fuller delivered the Treasurer’s Report.  A full copy of the report is filed in the Secretary’s archive.


Audit Committee Report:

Ron reported that the books were in order. Jim Addington moved that the audit be approved. Ron Short seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.


Report from Natural Tunnel:

Robert Chapman reported that the park was getting ready for the summer and in the process of opening the campgrounds. He also announced that Railroad Day had been set for July 19 and asked that, if possible, the Carter Cabin be staffed for that event.


Robert also informed those in attendance that the Secretary of Natural Resources, Molly Ward would be visiting the park on May 25 and would be touring the park as well as the site of the new Interpretive Center and then ending the day with a dinner at the Cove Ridge Center. He let everyone know that the dinner was scheduled to begin at 7pm and that they were all welcome to attend.


Reports from other Parks:

Wilderness Road State Park

Scott Bowen reported that they had been working on their reservation procedures for the Karlan Mansion and the theater inside the Visitor Center. He announced that they had finished their calendar of events for the rest of the year and had several new events planned. He also announced that Secretary Ward was planning to visit Wilderness Road on April 26.


Report from Natural Tunnel State Park Educational Specialist:

Joan Short announced that Megan had recently completed training in Anniston, Alabama and was now a Black Powder Site Safety Officer.


Megan France reported that there were several programs planned for the summer. She announced that there were several schools coming to the park within the next few weeks as well as one school that they would be visiting themselves.


Report from DBWT Interpretive Center:

Joan reported that progress was being made and that they were still on schedule.


President’s Annual Report:

Joan Short reported that over the past year there had been several happenings. She explained that their Signature event was changed to be called the Frontier Muster and Trade Faire and to have more of a workshop format. Joan announced that, thanks to the grant that was secured, they were able to bring in Native American and Slave re-enactors. Joan explained that it takes a lot of work and a lot of volunteers to coordinate their events and she urged members to pitch in and help out in any way possible. She also announced that they had gone to several Public events, such as the Meadowview Farm Show and Home Craft Days, and had ordered new banner stands to help out with similar events in the future.


Blockhouse Report and 2014 Volunteer Schedule:

Joan announced that Dale Taylor had done a wonderful job coordinating the weekend Blockhouse Schedule and that the Blockhouse Volunteer Schedule was being passed around for everyone who wished to sign up to assist with keeping the Blockhouse staffed on weekends. Joan also announced that Dale Taylor had done a wonderful job coordinating the weekend Blockhouse Schedule and that the Blockhouse Volunteer Schedule was being passed around for everyone who wished to sign up to assist with keeping the Blockhouse staffed on weekends.


Frontier Muster and Trade Faire:

Joan announced that Buster Whitt, Patti, and Gretchen would be re-enacting at the Frontier Muster and Trade Faire for the first time. She also let everyone know that the Swimmers would not be able to make it to this year’s program due to a National Pow Wow that they would all be attending with Tahtahyeh. Joan stated that several of the regulars would not be able to make it, but that there were others who were willing to step in and that the event was going to be a great one.


Ron Short explained that several volunteers come from Sycamore Shoals, Cumberland Gap, and Wilderness Road to help out with the event. He also pointed out that several of the re-enactors are paid in order to help compensate for travel and other expenses. He explained that volunteers and funding were running low and asked that everyone keep that in mind and help out in any way that they might be able.


Old Business:


Joan showed those in attendance a draft of the new website. She explained that some of the site would still change quite a bit before the site went live, but that it was a good preview.


New Business:

There was no new business.



Joan announced that both Wanda McConnell and Joy Nihil were dealing with serious health issues and asked everyone to keep them in their thoughts.



Joan moved to adjourn.  John Stafford seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.