Association Meeting Minutes – Nov. 19, 2010
November 19, 2010,
Present: Margaret Crouch, John Mullen, Joy Nihil, Sally Kelly, Joe Fuller, Dr Fleenor, Joan Short, SueElla Boatwright Wells (MECC), Mary Erwin, Erwin Forrest, Dale Taylor, Megan France, Joe Fuller, Craig Seaver, John Stafford, Bill Smith, Nancy Smith, Charlie Allen, Chris Edwards The meeting was called to order by President Nihil at 12:15. Guests SueElla Boatwright Wells of MECC and Nancy Smith, wife of Bill Smith were introduced. There were no additions to the agenda.
The minutes of the September Association meeting were approved as posted on our web site on a motion by Joan Short and second by John Mullen. Treasurer Joe Fuller reported on income and expenses since the October Board meeting. The detailed report covering the period August 16 – October 15 was approved by the Board at the October meeting and is in the minute book. Joe will present the report for October 16 – December 15 for approval at the December Board meeting. There was discussion regarding the $100 monthly fee for website management. Past efforts to negotiate a lower fee failed and it was concluded that GoTriCities owns the domain. Joe reminded members of past grants from ARC and Tobacco Commission. Recent grants were received from Scott County Tourism to cover some expenses of the 2010 Harvest Celebration and 2011 Siege. Joe announced that annual membership dues are due and that the Pioneer level is now $25. He will send a reminder in December that dues must be paid before the annual meeting in March. Presidents Report
Association By-Laws call for a nominating committee to be appointed at the November meeting. Accordingly, Mary Erwin will chair the committee and, along with Lisa McConnell and Jean Hood, will present a slate at the January Association meeting.
At the October Board meeting, the Furnishings Committee asked the Board for directions to assist in deciding on future Blockhouse acquisitions. The Board directed that the blockhouse be used as a hands on living history educational facility. Joy Nihil, Margaret Crouch and Craig Seaver have been added to the committee which will use three criteria to evaluate future acquisitions: 1) Is the item usable? 2)is it appropriate to the period? 3)Can it be accommodated in the available space? Billy Heck will advise regarding suitability of items already in the blockhouse and some may be removed. The committee is drafting Use Guidelines for the blockhouse. Two Committees reported on activities
Events – Chris Edwards
Harvest Celebration was very successful with 222 visitors and 23 costumed interpreters. All interpreters were Association members and Chris thanked all who have learned a craft. Christmastide at the Blockhouse will be December 11, 5-7 PM and Old Christmas is planned for January 8, 4-6 PM. Chris encouraged members to sell raffle tickets for the framed print that will be awarded on May 21 as part of the 2011 Siege.
Charlie Allen announced that WRSP is raffling an authentic long rifle replica.
Membership – Joan Short
An event, Preparing for Winter, will be held at the blockhouse from 1-6 PM the Saturday of Thanksgiving weekend. The Shorts will provide craft demonstrations, music and storytelling as one of the monthly “Trail Talks” that are planned to raise awareness about the Association and volunteer opportunities. The Interpretive Center will be open with refreshments and to sell CDs and raffle tickets.
As part of Old Christmas on January 8, Billy Keck will do an all day workshop on muzzle loading weapons and black powder safety. Joan asked for volunteers to bake stack cakes for the event.
Jean Brown will report at the January meeting on numbers of visitors to the blockhouse and number of volunteer hours during the season.
Park: Packets were distributed on upcoming activities at the Park. These include a wreath making workshop, 8 Days of Christmas with Lighting of the Tunnel and a Women’s Wellness Weekend next April. The packet also included a new membership brochure to be given to anyone interested in joining the DBWTA.
Megan and Craig Seaver reported that a group of college students will spend Spring Break as volunteers doing construction work at the blockhouse site. That project might involve constructing the blacksmith shop with donated logs and/or re-routing the path from the IC to the blockhouse. The Association was asked to develop a plan for those projects and that responsibility was turned over to the Site Committee – C. Edwards, M. Crouch and B Smith. The Park is also working on new signage and the Site Committee will also provide input into that project. Craig announced that a request for additional staff hours for the IC is included in his budget for next year.
Wilderness Road Institute: Craig announced that this off-campus course is now listed in MECC’s catalog due to the Park’s partnership with the DBWTA. It will be offered in February with Joan and Megan as facilitators. Local school districts have been contacted regarding reimbursing teachers who attend and some have responded positively. Joan introduced SueElla Boatwright Wells from MECC who expressed pride in the three way partnership that made the project possible and thanked Joan and Megan. New Business
At its next meeting, the Board will review our mission and look at needs and wants over the next two to three years and our anticipated resources. That should facilitate development of future plans.
President Nihil asked that we keep the Reeds in our thoughts as Barbara deals with health issues.
She announced that Kurt Brockman is leaving the Park staff and passed along our best wishes and thanks for all he has done for the Association.
Joan will be presenting to the Virginia Teachers Association in March a writing program for teaching history in the classroom through writing.
Bill Smith announced that he can recommend a craftsman who makes very good quality reproduction long rifles.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:20